Could we come together and make a solid "not recommended foods" list? I just crashed off organic garlic of all things and it would be nice to know what can be trusted

I’ll start
Foods I’ve personally felt worse from
Coconut oil
Olive oil
Peanut butter

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And we ask ourselves really why noone takes us seriously?
I get really suicidal everytime i read such things…While i do get, that some extracts might be a killer for our situation (take saw palmetto extract) as an example…But Come on guys, noone is getting worse becuz he ate a margarita pizza, or drank mint tea…This is defnitiely just normal fluctuations in the condition…Even paralyzed individuals get some fluctutaion in their symptoms, where some days they might feel 2 or 3 % more of their legs, but THEY ARE STILL PARALYZED; AND DEFINITELY NOT BECUZ OF A TOMATO…
Im sorry, i dont mean to attack anyone, but lets just stop this alright…We need to call things with their name, and please pretty please stop talking about gut, and fecal transplant, and making the whole syndrom sound like desperate men, with dysfunctional sexual organs…Its more than that…DEPRESSION; INSOMNIA; SUICIDE IDEATION; SENSE OF CONSTANT DOOM; TINNITUS; MEMORY LOSS; AND THEN sexual dysfunction…
Im sorry again, and you can remove my comment, if you dont like it, but its the truth


Somewhat agree. All the gut talk etc makes me cringe. Sound like a bunch of 40 year old “wholeistic health” moms that think their pseudoscientific ideas will cure/treat all. Though, there are foods/nutrients that can worsen the condition. Coconut oil, for example is a know 5ar inhibitor.

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A central database would be good inclusive of supps. I’ve had problems with both. Most things helped me for a little while then I developed an intolerance being the case with those already listed. In this thread. If you avoid the problematic ones for a few months you can have them occasionally, well thats in my case anyways…

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I understand that it sounds ridiculous but some foods actually make me feel quite a bit worse (coconut oil and organic garlic are an example). Some people have gotten persistently worse from some foods I’ve listed

I’m one of them

What food?

All fruit, all veg, all salad nuts, cereal, grains, dried fruit carbs, tinned fish, milk, honey, tuna, mussels saurkraut, soy. I had no food intolerances 3 years ago I lived on an exceptionally healthy diet raw salad and veg with lean protein, one by one the foods started effecting me.

I agree. I try to keep an open mind (after all, I might not have believed anything that happened to me if I didn’t experience it personally) but this forum would have you believe that anything except water is some sort of 5αr-inhibitor or DHT blocker. I don’t pay any mind to these comments unless they have some sort of academic paper backing them up.

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I know that feeling laz. I could eat/take anything before accutane with no real negative effects. Now I react to so many different things. Fucking poison changed me on a biological level.

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