Could SARMs increase selective Androgen receptors and neurosteroids. Therefore curing my anhedonia and cognitive issues involving ar issues?

Hey I took Accutane and suffer mostly from mental side effects which by my understanding has to do with your neurosteroids or Androgen receptors being blocked.

I was watching this video of a guy who knows a lot about hormones I realized that the 52 second mark that this could be used as a therapy possibly if you have Androgen receptor issues. am I listening to this wrong?

The very little I’ve read about SARMs says it increases neurosteroids and Androgen receptors. Is that not our exact problem? Would this not cure our depression?

I didn’t watch the whole video but my reaction to it was negative. He says your libido would never be the same and stuff. But I thought about it and realized I am already there my libido and testosterone is low and so is my quality of life . So being dependent on it might be a good option actually.

In theory jt should but many have had bad experiences from SARMs. Our issue is not low hormone levels. Taking such things often results in short term benefits only. Receptors could be silenced, over, under expressed etc so increasing numbers is not the answer Those that do respond from SARMS are the ones that had hormonal disfunction and tend to get out of this relatively early.

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That makes sense. The side affect make me weary. I’m gunna have a full testosterone check and see what the doctor says. I tried hrt and my quality of life improved and I didn’t wallow so much. But I don’t know lots of other factors. It Improve mental stuff but I didn’t care so much I think is a good way to put it

  • it didn’t impove mental issues

It’s all a gamble, whatever you try, because we don’t know what PFS is. Until we figure the exact mechanism out, we’re just guessing.

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Oh OK I get it. I think I just latched onto a few theories that made sense to me. Because what I went through wasn’t sadness or a dip in my overall mood like my previous conception of depression. But what it was , was like something missing like a lack of joy or happiness one gets doing things they get when they do things they enjoy.

That’s why when I herd that neurosteroids were low or AR blocked. It made sense to me because that has to do with you’re pleasure reward center which was like the only thing I herd that kind or mirrored what I was trying to say.

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I understand man, but PFS presents as an extremely idiosyncratic disease state that doesn’t respond well to known therapies.

Sarms have been tried multiple times to no avail, it’s documented here in the forums.

We really need to figure out the mechanism first. It’s essential if we ever want to get out of this.

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Is this what’s being researched right now .? I saw something has been funded for research. I herd crispr could cure this thing. From what I saw it looks pretty science fiction as for our concerns.

everyones tried everything under the sun to try to reverse it and it hasnt reliably worked

unless you get desperate and want to try your hand at hardcore demethylation agents or some type of compound that restores AR signaling (some are used in cancer treatments), its not really worth it based on all the anecdotal data we have


What are the demethylation agents and compounds that improve AR signals?

For all we know, it would take a lethal dose of a global demethylation agent to be effective. That’s if it doesn’t make it worse somehow in the event there is an active factor driving this condition that should ordinarily be methylated and isn’t.

Assuming PFS and PAS have the same underlying pathology, the current research being supported by the PFSN is delving into possible epigenetic mechanisms driving this condition.

It would be a bad time to mess yourself up even more, when actual actionable information, instead of guesses based off of hunches, may be right around the corner.


Alright thanks I won’t. The crospr gene editing seems science fiction. I have big hopes . Hopefully accutane is the same problem.

Yeah just hang in there, things are moving fast for us

And donate to the research via pfs network