Could neurotransmitters boost your libido?

The following article suggests that Erectile dysfunction can be caused by faulty nerve signal transmission: … our-libido

Many men with erectile dysfunction (ED) also have other problems with their circulatory systems, including coronary artery disease. Anyone with persistent ED should have a thorough medical exam, to rule out possible serious but treatable diseases such as heart disease or diabetes. But sometimes ED is caused by faulty nerve signal transmission, which can be caused by a poor diet.
What nutrients can you take to treat your ED? Many researchers recommend supplementing with Vitamin B-5 (also known as pantothenic acid) and choline, a water-soluble essential nutrient found in soy and sunflower seeds. Your body uses both B-5 and choline to build neurotransmitters, the substances that relay nerve signals. Without enough of these nutrients, the nerve signals may not get through. High levels of both Vitamin B-5 and choline are found in beef liver. If you don’t eat organ meats, you can also get both nutrients from eggs. If you decide to use a supplement, choose a choline supplement made from sunflower lecithin rather than soy lecithin, since the majority of soy is now genetically modified. Vitamin B-5 is found in all Multi-B vitamin formulas and also in broccoli, squash, mushrooms, and corn.

The dosage recommended by some nutritionists to improve neurotransmitter activity is 1 to 3 grams (1000 to 3000 mg) of choline and 500 to 1500 mg. of Vitamin B-5 daily.

As from today i started supplementing with Pantothenic acid & Sunflower lecithin.
Will report back on progress.

Any progress on this?


I took some choline bitartrate for a few days with some improvement in symptoms, but then the effects wore off.
Also tried CDP-Choline for a few days with minimal improvement, except for an improvement in mental clarity.

Some some users have reported benefits with taking choline:
boost-your-low-testosterone. … ibido.html

The site recommends cycling supplements, so taking choline everyday is probably a bad idea.
Once every 2 weeks may be better, although i’m not a doctor and not suggesting that choline will help you.
It may make things worse.

apparantly choline should be taken with b5 and a 3/1 ratio to improve uptake. I’m going to give this a try as libido is the only thing that is effected in my case and this supposedly should increase dopamine and hence desire.

any news with that ?

Early on when I developed PFS (about 8 years ago now) I tried generic aricept that I of course got from one of those Indian web sites. It increases acetylcholine in the brain. It definitely improved my libido. Unfortunately it gave me some side effects that I didn’t like, like a uncomfortable tightness in the chest, so I quit using it.

how do u feel like after 8 years ? is it getting better ? any recomendations for a newB (2 years ~)

I feel a lot better than I did at my lowest point, which was a period of about 1 to 3 years after I quit fin. The first year after I quit wasn’t too bad. The really bad brain fog and anxiety started about 15 months after I quit. I didn’t really get shrinkage until 3 years after I quit. My advice would be to be very careful what you take to try to heal yourself. For years my attitude was I’ll try anything to get better. I think I made myself worse in some cases. I exercise a lot, both running and gym work, and that helps quite a bit. Some days now I feel almost like my old self. Unfortunately I can’t seem to get my sex drive back. I haven’t had sex in probably 3 years. I try to live as normal as I can, but lack of sex really bothers me. I guess you never get over it. As far as supplements here is what I take now:

Fish oil - Usually about 3 hours before bed. Definitely helps with sleep
Vit D - 5000 iu
Multi Vitamin - Country Life Daily Total One - This is a good multi vitamin
Caltrate 600 D + Minerals - Sometimes take this at night. Helps with sleep and one of the few supplements that I have taken that seems to marginally improve my sex drive.

That’s about it. I pray one of the studies finds a smoking gun that we can focus on and find a cure with. Its like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Among the many things I’ve taken to recover, these have always been a part of my list.

Yes, I am fully recovered. Having incredible sex nearly every day with a hot gf much younger than I. I’m not kidding, nearly every pm and am. I say this to encourage, not to brag.

Needless to say, a whole body recovery and appearance improvement is possible IF you hit PFS from all angles at the same time, have the time, and can afford it.

Medical (TRT), Fitness, Clean Diet, Supplements/Vitamins, Properly following protocols mentioned on PH (ie; CDNuts, methylation, progesterone, cortisal control, adrenal reset, bullet proof diet), Bodybuilding and the muscle building products. Finding and consistently eating superfoods.

For those in the worst of conditions like a crash or severe fatigue or major depression, start with the focus on the worst symptom and build from there. It’s a deep hole, but you can get out. I simply started out by taking long walks, then longer, then joined a gym and made 5 to 6 day a week workout habit. I’m 49 btw. Was 44 when I crashed.
I didn’t begin tackling PFS until 3 years had passed, year 4 and 5 I was actively following protocols and treatment. The last 8 months being the most incredible part.
2 years ago, I could never have attracted this girl…

Wow, that’s amazing townm8er. Aside from the hot younger woman, you’re looking incredibly ripped for someone whom I believe had muscle wastage.

Are you still on TRT? How did you manage to build up your body and was it tough doing so? Are you still on a ton of supps? Anything else you think helped?

Massive kudos to you.

nice!!! hahaha

Great post, congratulations. We will beat it!