This could be commonly discussed and I have just missed it, but does anyone seem to notice that the non-sexual side effects improve the less you masturbate, have intercourse, or attempt to get sexually aroused in some form. It has only been about 7 months since I first crashed, so I am not as “experienced” as some of you, but I do feel that this is enough time to detect some patterns in the way I function. I feel like depression, mental clarity, and the joint pain that I have improves if I can completely abstain from sexual activity. Granted, during this time my (very limited) sexual desire and any sort of sensation I occasionally feel in my penis may worsen, but my quality of life improves as a whole. Then as soon as I break down and masturbate after a week or so, things seem to fall apart again. It’s honestly right after the orgasm that I can feel these different forms of pain return to me. I don’t know if anyone else can attest to it, but I swear I can feel the weird chemical reaction occurring in my brain, and soon after, my emotional capacity seems to dwindle and I feel that awful cloud of brain fog rolling in. The following days seem to be worst in terms of depression. Even right after I stand up after masturbating, I feel more stiffness in my ankles (both of which I sprained after my first crash), and my joints start to creak and pop. I know everyone’s situation is different, but can anyone relate?
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Brain fog / joint pain / depression problems can all be caused by hormonal imbalances. What is your body temp?