Contacted by Swedish TV

Wow Nick,

Thank you so much for this.

Let’s hope we can build on this and find ways distribute this video to other sources.


I haven’t found the video so I think I can attach the link to the video from the swedish television:

Here are the video: … 895&lpos=1

Here are the full swedish report (can translate if anyone want): … rt527895=0

Can we tip CNN, NBC, other media in UK and US ??

Nick: This is good! I lookforward that the media will make a bigger case on this. I think I also will speak to the swedish reporter. Do you have her e-mail address ?

Thanks for letting us know Arvid!!!

I was able to download a copy of the video to my computer using , it lets you rip streaming media.

I suggest others do the same in case they decide to pull the video from the website in the future.

If some can someone translate it and post the text here, I can do a voiceover in English or add English subtitles, and re-post an English version to YouTube and Google Video.

This would also help if submitting to other news sites in the US, Canada and English speaking countries.

I have tried to translate it and here are most of the talking:

Title Drug against hair loss that can cause impotence:
Swedish researchers warn that the drug Propecia againts hair loss can cause impotence.

Meet terry & peery video, speach Sara Bull:
The drug affects the bodies hormone balance which should stop hair loss. (information that msd has written)

Tommy Ringart, informationchef MSD:
9 of 10 men that takes Propecia stops the hair loss. 2 of 3 men some hair also will start to grow.

Sara Bull interview with NicK.
Nick had used the Propecia for 5 months when he saw he was impotent. And he has still problem with this.

Interview, Jan-Åke Gustafsson
Swedish researchers warn young men not to use this type of drug.

I think they should not use this type of drug which affects the hormone balance, and can give an effect which we can’t understand.

Sara Bull:
Merck says that over half million people uses Propecia and 3000 of them in Sweden.

Tommy Ringart, informationchef MSD:
The most common side effects are; slow sexual drift(?), erection problem and smaller amount of sperm.
This side effects has showed up in late time. 1 of 100 or 1 of 1000 men got this side effects. This side effects stops after stop using the drug.

Ulrik Kvist:
Flagrantly there are several fail and can’t gurante that they get healthy again. Because we don’t now the mechanism.

Sara Bull questions Tommy Ringart:
Should it be so the the side effects don’t disappears?
It could be so, but if we look at the statistics then we see that it isn’t so.

Sara Bull/Nick going:
Nick are not alone with his side effects. On the net we found a forum with men that have used Propecia.
They spoke about erections problem, pain in testis, depression and breast enlargement. The forum has over 1000 members and Nick are one of them.

Good luck with english texts and english “correction”.

I just caught the video link you posted. Great job on your part Nick, I applaud you. Hopefully this leads to more exposure. Thanks for doing this.

Hi all

Thanks for finding the video and posting it here. I was sent a DVD which I received just after New Year but wasn’t sure how I could get it online so that’s a problem solved.

I will forward this to the BBC over here and see if we can get the ball rolling. If people can do this in their respective countries we can hopefully get this off the ground. It has to help!


Hey Snowking,

Great job on contacting the Swedish TV and telling about our miserable situation. If you remember well I was contacted a couple of years ago by a New York media company but in spite of my positive response the documentary was never released…

Could you give us the e-amil address of that swedish reporter, Sarah Bull? I would like to contact and encourage her.

Another question, Sarah says that Merck was very worried about the interview airing it to the public and that they contacted her ¨every five minutes¨, but do you know what those bastards told her? What did they have to say in their defense? Do they mentioned anything about a possible solution?

That´s all and thanks again Snowking. You showed real courage and made an invaluable contribution to our forum. Hope you and all of us find our way out.


I was asked to do a more complete translation of this news segment so here it is, you might need to watch the video again to follow:

*** Edited for grammar and consistency, by Mew:

Nicholas speaking in english:
“It was like there was no connection between the brain and the penis, it was just like a piece of skin and that was it, there was nothing… and that’s when I started to worry about things.”

Sara Bull, SVT.SE Reporter:
“4 years ago Nick discovered the prescription drug propecia on the Internet, where it is marketed as a unique solution to male pattern baldness. The pills contain the active ingredient Finasteride, which affects the body’s hormonal balance in a way that stops hair from falling out.”

Tommy Ringart, Chief of Information, Merck, Sharp & Dhome (MSD):
“Well in 9 out of 10 men who take Propecia you can say that the balding process stops… and in 2 out of 3 men we also see regrowth, so it works well.”

Nicholas speaking english, anwsering questions from reporter.
“The good side of the drug in doing what it was supposed to do, I thought it was amazing… I was really amazed with the results. So yea, I guess it’s easy to get lost in that.”

Sara Bull, SVT.SE Reporter:
“But was it worth it?”

Nicholas speaking english, anwsering questions from reporter.
“No, NO WAY… no, if I could go back now, no… I’d NEVER touch that stuff.”

Sara Bull, SVT.SE Reporter:
“After 5 months, Nicholas stopped taking Propecia because he discovered he had become impotent. Today, 4 years later, he still has erection problems. Now, established Swedish scientists warn young men from taking these kind of products.”

Jan Åke Gustavsson, Professor at Karolinska Institutet:
“I think that one should avoid medications that require prolonged use, as this could result in having affected hormones for years… this could have effects that have not been understood before” (he’s talking about taking medications for years and thus having affected hormones, he’s not saying he KNOWS it will affect hormones for years after discontinuation).

Sara Bull, SVT.SE Reporter:
“According to the pharmaceutical company MSD, about half a million people are taking propecia and about 3,000 of these are found in Sweden.”

Tommy Ringart, Chief of Information, MSD:
"The most common side effects are reduced libido, erection problems and reduced semen quantity. But these are side effects that rarely occur in an estimated 1 out of a 100 or 1 out of a 1000 people. These are also side effects that will subside if one continue to use Propecia and if this is not the case, then they will subside when one quits Propecia.

Sara Bull, SVT.SE Reporter:
“And this u can guarantee?”

Tommy Ringart, Chief of Information, MSD:
“That is what our clinical studies… that is what our studies say.”

Ullrik Kvist, Chief Doctor of Center of Andrology and Sexual Medicine, Sweden:
“Obviously there are several cases where one has not returned to normal ability in terms of erection or completely restored libido after stopping Propecia, so this can not be guaranteed, because we don’t know the mechanisms.”

Sara Bull, SVT.SE Reporter:
“Could it be that such side effects do not dissapear after discontinuing the drug?”

Tommy Ringart, Chief of Information, MSD:
“Well in a single case it might be so, but if we look at the total gathered statistics, then we can see that this is not the case.”

Sara Bull, SVT.SE Reporter:
“But Nicholas is far from alone to testify of persisting side effects. On the Internet, we find a forum for men who have more or less persisting side effects induced by Propecia. It speaks about erectile dysfunction, pain in the testicles, depression and breast enlargement. The forum has more than a thousand users and Nicholas is one of them.”

Nicholas talking in english.
“I just can’t understand how something like that can be available to the public, when it does such bad things… you know, it was pretty devastating when it first hit me what had happened, you know… and all the guys that are going through this problem must feel the same way… uhm, you know I was very close to just wanting it all to end…”


Funny they should be so worried about a chance to learn more about their own drug’s negative effects… nice to see their intentions are pure.:unamused: It is documented that Propecia has destructive side-effects by Merck themselves! Yet they will rabidly contact a reporter whilst not saying a word to sufferers? Disgusting how they hide… their motives are $o clear.

BTW, pardon the delayed response; just noticed this. Unbelievable video though and many many thanks to snowking! He was great!

The video has been posted to YouTube.

Spread the word and link.

be interested to know how snowking is doing now

Hi all

Just wanted to post an update and say that I have been contacted by the same reporter regarding the story they did. In light of the findings of the Swedish MPA it looks like its time for a follow up.

She is specifically wanting to:

  1. Talk to the someone regarding the law suit in Canda (I have sent her the email address of the person who contacted me)

  2. To know if any highly regarded doctors have commented on this.

If you have any info that could help please let me have it.

This is fantastic news, Snowking!

Docs worthy of contacting: I will followup with you via PM.

Thanks Mew will send the PM to the reporter.

Will let you know when I hear anything.

When you search for “propecia” on Youtube, you get a sponsored link from Merck right at the top of the search results. It says:

“PROPECIA ® (finasteride) Learn About a Once-a-Day Pill Visit The Official Site.

BUT… when you search for “Propecia Side Effects”, the sponsored link changes to say:

“PROPECIA ® (finasteride) Visit The Official Site Get Important Product Information.”

This sponsored link has only recently shown up in the past few days. I find it very interesting that Merck is trying to persuade viewers to check to get “the facts” about their drug, with this link showing above a video about permanent sexual side effects from the same medication.

No doubt in my mind they are becoming aware of these issues and want to stem the tide through marketing.

EDIT: I notice if you keep clicking search using “propecia” or “propecia side effects”, it doesn’t matter… it will cycle through the banner ads with different statements. Still, the fact is this sponsored link was never visible until just recently, from my own experience.

Right, both searches yield the same ads.

Personally I don’t recall if I’ve seen that ad before, perhaps not. However, like I’ve always said, I am confident the company is conscious of this complaint and these issues, and that they are doing what they can to cleanse their position without actually revising their previous stances and go back on their (false and misleading) claims.

FYI, they added a poll they blast you with upon visiting, and it fishes for personal information about if you’ve used the drug and your rating of it, etc.


Just wanted to provide an update on this.

I have been in touch with the Swedish reporter regarding the followup story, after the recent findings by the Swedish MPA that permanent erectile dysfunction is now a possible outcome from Finasteride use.

Unfortunately, production of the news story has been postponed for the time being (other projects taking precedent). She still hopes to do the story in the future and will let us know when this might be, if it happens.

In preparation for this, and to hopefully speed things along, she requested having access to someone LIVING IN SWEDEN for an interview. This person may or may not (ie behind a screen) have to go on camera to share their story for the news segment.

Any members living in Sweden that are interested in participating in a news segment about permanent Finasteride side effects, please PM me and I will put you in touch with the reporter.


I just want to thank Mew for his great work. I saw the video on You tube and the right column with the cientifical explanation. Now the video is full of comments, most criticizing the drug. Well done man!! I wish i had half of your strengh and dedication after propecia so i could do more for this group.

The main newsmagazine in Brazil (called “VEJA”) did a story on how propecia is supposed to prevent prostate cancer, based on a new study. They don’t talk about permanent side effects. So i emailed them and told my story and gave the link to this forum. I hope they publish my letter on the readers comments section. I ll keep trying to draw attention to this over here.

Keep up the good work, God bless you, and thank you again

There has been an update on the Swedish TV piece – a new news article published August 10, 2009 with video segment:

YOUTUBE VERSION: … r_embedded

SWEDISH TV VERSION: … verkningar

– Can someone who speaks Swedish please translate the video?



August 10, 2009
[Size=4]Hair loss medicine may cause permanent erection problems [/size]

Now note that hair loss drugs Propecia can lead to permanent erection problems. This despite the fact that manufacturer Merck Sharp & Dome, MSD, long denied it.

Propecia is a prescription drug, marketed as a unique solution to the problem of male hereditary hair loss. Manufacturers writes on its website that ninety per cent of those who use Propecia may be the hair back.

MSD warns nevertheless that Propecia can have some effect on potency, but less than two percent have suffered side effects, according to MSD, however, stopped when they left with Propecia.

One of those who received permanent disability is Nicholas O’Neill, who in a story for over two years ago testified about side effects. He told me that he was impressed by the product results. But, after a time, problems accumulate. Nicholas became depressed, had hormone changes, began to develop breasts and became impotent.

Although the information did not cease the side effects when Nicholas stopped taking Propecia.

On the Internet there are several forums where people have been using Propecia discussing the problems they are experiencing. After the story was made, several people heard of the SVT. A Swedish saying that he feels cheated of a large part of his life.

Hard to criticize
According to the manufacturer uses around half million men around the world propecia. In the U.S., where most users are concerned about many doctors of the risks of permanent side effects. However, it is difficult to get doctors to openly criticize a powerful pharmaceutical companies. An American doctor wrote in an email to SVT that it is too risky to do it publicly.

Ulrik Kvist.
Ulrik Kvist, Chief of the Center for andrology and sexual medicine confirms the picture.

-“They can basically do whatever they want”, he says. Now Swedish researchers warn that the drug Propecia may also affect male fertility.

-The substance called finastirid affect sperm ability to fertilize and contribute to the development of normal embryos. At worst, children and grandchildren be affected by developmental disabilities, "says Ulrik Kvist.

After the SVT’s story, Läkemedelsverket began a review of Propecia, which led to MSD have to amend the text of the leaflet, so it is clear that the drug may cause lasting harm. In order to get the amendment, Läkemedelsverket first had to threaten MSD to suspend the authorization.

MSD has been invited to participate in the News, but declined this. The company writes, however, in a written comment that it has received reports that people who use Propecia suffered permanent impotence, after treatment but it is not possible to establish that it was caused by Propecia.

[Size=4]Here is Merck’s written response regarding Propecia.[/size]
Swedish original:

Statement by Merck Sharp & Dohme, current update in June 2008 of information to prescribers for PROPECIA

(finasteride, 1 mg) in the EU.

The following statement from Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD), the updating of information for prescribers of PROPECIA (finasterid, 1mg) that occurred during June 2008.

After a thorough review of data from controlled clinical studies with PROPECIA and a careful evaluation of pharmacovigilance, of healthcare and the public, MSD remains entirely convinced of the good efficacy and safety profile for PROPECIA, a drug used by millions of men with male hair loss all over the world, since the approval of EU 1998. For MSD is the safety of our medicines and vaccines of the highest weight.

In June 2008 updated the information for prescribers of PROPECIA with respect to permanent erectile dysfunction after discontinuation of treatment with PROPECIA, which was based on reports received after the product approval. This update also related to patient information in leaflet and in patient FASS. The update was done in connection within the European Union (EU) standardized the process for renewal approval (2008).

In three 12-month placebo-controlled studies with PROPECIA, was drug-related sexual side effects of 3.8% in the finasteride-treated group of men compared with 2.1% in the placebo group. Approximately 1% of men in each treatment group completed the study because of these side effects.

Of these studies, which lasted for 5 years, reduced the incidence of these effects to 0.6% in the finasteride treated group men during the fifth year. Following the approval of PROPECIA has received reports of erectile dysfunction, which has been made after the end of treatment with PROPECIA.

A side effect has been reported after approval does not mean that you can establish that this was caused by PROPECIA. Generally, events after approval is caused by underlying disease, genetic variation, other concomitant medication or events that can occur spontaneously in a population.

After a careful examination of data from controlled clinical studies with PROPECIA and a careful evaluation of pharmacovigilance coming in after the drug approved, Merck is confident that these data support continued use of PROPECIA to appropriate patients with male hair loss.

Patients with male hair loss should speak with their doctor if they have questions regarding benefits and risks of PROPECIA. Information is also available in

Patients should not stop treatment without first discussing this with his doctor.

PROPECIA (finasterid 1 mg, MSD) is indicated for the treatment of early stages of androgent hair loss in men. PROPECIA is contraindicated for use of women because of risks as they are or may potentially be pregnant. PROPECIA if given to a woman carrying a fetus of the male sex, inhibit development of fetal external genitalia. Broken or split tablets should not be handled by women who are or might become pregnant because of possible absorption of finasteride. PROPECIA tablets are film coated to prevent contact with the active ingredient during normal handling, provided they are not broken or crushed.

PROPECIA is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to finasteride or to any of the excipients.

Glad for the help by this news group to report on this, it’s obviously very effective.

That line of information echoes the findings of studies like this, which explains that finasteride significantly inhibits spermatogenesis and causes all sorts of deformities with cellular function there-in.

They had to threaten this company just to concede to a truth. Period.

And, Merck’s “response”…

When the affected consists of men solely affected by this drug and previously healthy, that statement shrinks down to it’s true form - a cover statement to play the deniability card.

Gardasil…Vioxx…Propecia… yeah I know, safety pros.

Assuming approval means “use”, that’s yet another defensive blanket statement. What genetic or physiological guidelines did they set before approving use in patients? See, if they are the “safety experts” they like to proclaim they are, that’s their responsibility to determine. The notion that they allow people to remain permanently ill from of their drug, all the while blaming their genetic make-up (which as we all know, we were entirely healthy before use), is escapist and irresponsible.

It’s easy to say “anomaly”, but when you begin to seriously TAMPER with the endocrine system, any endo with a sense of reason realizes things can turn south. It’s like making a relief pitcher go a full game back to back, then blame his sore arm on him.

Again, according to them we’re still appropriate, because they have changed NOTHING about what appropriate means.