Constantly fluctuating symptoms? Anyone else experience this?

Hey everyone

I’ve been experiencing almost complete resolution of my symptoms every week or 2 for 3-4 days and then fall back into PFS rather abruptly. For the first 3-4 months of PFS these recovery events always coincided with cold/flu-like symptoms. However, for the last 2 months or so, these windows of recovery seem to occur for no real reason. Does anyone else experience fluctuations this frequently?

Pre PFS my erectile function and sleep were almost always on a pretty constant level with very little fluctuation (some changes with sleep every now and then though). It now seems that my body is never staying in one place for long it’s very strange. The recoveries get to the point where it seems almost impossible for my body to go back to PFS based on how normal I feel during those periods.

Also, like to ask is it possible for watery semen to change back to normal after a couple of days? Because it seems allot less watery during my recovery periods no idea how that is possible.
Tell me about how you’re symptoms change and how often:

  • temporary partial recoveries?
  • full temporary recoveries?
  • No real changes?

It isn’t uncharacteristic of PFS/PAS/PSSD to see periods of intermittent ’recovery’. It’s interesting you state that it has previously coincided with incidents of illness, that’s something that a number of patients experience.

Such is the unpredictable nature of this disease, combined with the lack of clinical understanding, what exactly it means I don’t know. I’d try not to stress over guessing how things are going to develop because there’s just no way of knowing, but I’d certainly take your brief improvements as a positive sign even if they aren’t sticking.

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thanks for the reply. Not stressing dw, haven’t been overly stressed about PFS for a while, have acknowledged it is what it is really.

Just curious to know if anyone gets these windows of recovery in a similar fashion to my experience.

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