Considering TRT

Hey guys,

been a while since I’ve been on here and actually managing pretty well sexually. However my main problem is still the cognitive/mental side effects and motivation issues. I’m considering giving TRT treatment a go to see if there will be any improvement and i’m looking for a couple of opinions.

  1. has anyone who suffered from medium - severe brain fog/cognitive issues done TRT? if so, what was your experience/has it subsided? this is my main issue and I desperately need it gone for work purposes.
  2. what are the best paths to go down? it seems like a tricky kind of therapy that requires all bases to be covered. can anybody recommend an endocrinologist to see or can I administer TRT myself?
  3. have the effects from TRT lasted? on a scale from 1-100 % where would you rate your recovery level since TRT?

ANY feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Did you take labs? Do you have low T?

yeah I had some basic labs done a while ago, everything was pretty normal, but as I’ve seen a million times on here bloodwork can be totally deceiving.

Most people have not had a lasting reversal going on TRT. You should focus on test results and correcting any deficiencies. Don’t just jump on TRT randomly thinking it’s going to fix you. It could make you worse.