Considering TRT. Need advice.

I’ve tried natural methods, and am currently on cdnuts protocol but not having much success. to be quite frank, it’s 18 months since this shit began and I’m fed up of trying the natural approach with little to no results. I’m heavily considering TRT/HRT and need some advice as to where to begin/what to take/what to expect. can experienced TRT users recommend a good starting protocol/approach, keeping in mind that I’m currently two weeks into a six week Alphahard cycle? also, what has your experience been with TRT in relation to benefits, costs and whether or not it has made life bearable at least?


My advice…

Test your total testosterone, free testosterone, SHBG, and estradiol.

Do this a few times to get a consistent reading. Always at 9am.

If your results are normal, then TRT will do nothing for you.

My opinion is men who respond to TRT most likely never had PFS, just hypogonadism (or low testosterone) induce by finasteride use.

Those of us with normalised testosterone and estrogen yet low libido have had no relief from TRT. Quite often it’s worsens symptoms by spiking estrogen that was previously under control.

I can understand the interest, which is why I tried it myself despite all evidence suggesting it doesn’t work. You think at X level of testosterone, with E2 controlled by AI, I must be able to feel something. But I didn’t. Neither did Vincent. Or Enden. Or moonman. OR any of the countless experiences of TRT on PFS (besides JQD, obviously)

I suspect curiosity may get the better of you, and maybe it is worth a shot just on the off chance it may work.

If you feel you have to know, then the best protocol would be to use small daily doses of Testosterone Propionate, with 12mg of Aromasin once a week.

Understand any amount of exogenous testosterone shuts down your own supply. Meaning, either you commit to TRT long-term or else use a PCT to restart your endogenous testosterone.

Hope this helps.

I have to chime in on this because I don’t believe the response above is accurate.
Any TRT or DHT treatment should be based on a necessity to restore your known labs results to certain levels based on your age and optimal levels, under the advice of a doctor. Not everyone has the same hormone profile or age.

I’ve experienced both sides of this argument about TRT. The first attempt at TRT began a few years ago, before the doctors knew what worked and what didn’t. My Doc is the foremost expert in Sex medicine, and one of the few with an open mind to try different approaches or modify your treatment over time based on labs. Initially the doses were increased because the thought at the time was that High levels of Testosterone would cause the DHT to increase and normalize. This obviously didn’t work, which is one of the reasons people say TRT doesn’t work. Not everyone realizes there are SIX downstream conversions which were being affected by 5ar inhibition. T to DHT is only one of them, but a very important one as it relates to sex function.

What turned out to work the best is LOWER doses of Testosterone and LOWER doses of DHT. In my situation, both were very low. I have 9 sets of lab results over the past 3 years which I chart and track in a spreadsheet to prove what did or didn’t work. So I DO recommend TRT and DHT if your levels are low, but this is NOT A CURE. It only resolves one component of the whole picture.

So if you decide on TRT and DHT, be sure the doctor considers Estrogen control (I use Anastrazole) and HCG to prevent testicle shrinkage/shutdown. All four of these should be part of a treatment plan assuming your labs are not optimal. Never mind ‘within range’, demand the doctor bring you to ‘Optimal, Healthy’ levels.

Yes, I am recovered from this hell, and doing extremely well chasing tail all over town now that my wife divorced me over PFS.
I don’t think it’s appropriate to bash TRT/DHT treatment because the methodology and approach has changed over time. Dr. Goldstein will tell you this as well. My 9th set of labs came out to be the best set I’ve ever had while on Low Dose TRT and DHT.

I DO NOT plan to be on this for life though. So the next step in my situation is defining a solid PCT plan to cycle on/off TRT and ultimately entice my body to produce it’s own hormones. Be sure to find a very experienced Sex Med doctor as well as an endocrinologist that’s willing to listen and learn about PFS.

I’m working on publishing my recovery plan, including info on the trial and errors, years of research and notes. Will be posting all this in a new thread once I have the whole story assembled and ready.

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I’ve just started TRT 2 weeks ago after been off Propecia for 2 years. My T level was constantly around 11 N/mol (Range 7-50)

how are you doing with it mate?

btw, towm8er thanks for your advice. in a forum often clouded with bullshit you’ve given me some real clear cut answers the last few days.

I’m going to get some fresh bloods done this Saturday, and then assess my options from there.

why TRT instead of clomid? I feel like clomid jumpstarts the whole system while trt just put t in your blood.

  1. THETIGERSHULL already tried clomid.

  2. clomid has some pretty nasty side effects.

  3. Not everyone here cares about fertility at this point.

hows the trt going paul???,any flickers of electricity in the shorts or what mate???..

and also check your adrenal and thyroid hormones, they play a huge role on recovery, without them you cant success on TRT

Yes I tried Clomid first when I crashed and whilst I was in the mental home. Clomid tripled my T but also tripled my Estrogen and prolactin so it did nothing positive for me at all.

Hey up Robbo, I’ve seen a marginal improvement in all areas with TRT but nothing like my pre fin state but guess it’s only been 3-4 weeks into my TRT experience. I go for another booster jab of Testosterone in 2 weeks

I’ll keep you updated, how are you doing nowadays Robbo?

Glad to hear try is having some effect! Maybe if you find the right protocol and find a sweet spot hormonally there can be some level of recovery. Maybe there is hope. I don’t know so many say trt did nothing for them. I wonder if you had taken anti estrogens with clomid it could have worded better

I took as much as 1mg a day arimidex with clomid when I was on it, my E2 remained sky high like HULL’s and wouldn’t budge

been right in the shitter for months to be honest paul,sexual sides are worse than ever,it really is zero libido at the minute,ive not worked out seriously for ages and have just started again a couple weeks ago and feel better already so ill see how it goes,hopefully get a bit libido back…