Considering TRT and Hormone Replacement, Need Advice

Hey guys.
So I’ve been suffering for almost 6 years now, and I need to take some serious action. I’ve had little victories over the years, brief week long periods of normalcy, but for the most part I am in pain all the time. Its not even the impotence, its that stabbing numb feeling that makes me crazy. I’m running out of “natural” options, and have been considering seeing a doctor to possible try one of the many drugs I see people talk about on the forum: TRT, Clomid, Armidex, etc. I have never seen a doctor about my pfs before, so Im not sure what I should be looking for in my doctor. I live in NYC, so I have Dr. Jacobs very close to me which is a name I see pop up a lot. My hesitation is that he charges over $600 for first visit. Is this the standard cost for a doctor treating our situation? Do you think I would benefit from him? Also what does everyone recommend I suggest he prescribe me?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I’ve been on the edge of a serious nervous breakdown these past two weeks, I don’t know how much longer I can go on.

I think Paying Jacobs $600 for testosterone is insane. IMO Jacobs or not you will need current labs. You can order them cheap yourself here…

They have package deals for Male hormone levels. Make sure you include E2 and Vit D wouldn’t be a bad idea. If you have fatigue add in a cortisol test. Once you get these you will have an idea if your deficient. If you are then I wouldn’t waste my cash on Jacobs because you can take those labs to any anti-ageing medical doc and get testosterone/AI for much less. Keep your expectations in check. Judge improvements over several weeks/months after starting.

Not to dishearten you, but Dr. Jacobs (although he may claim differently) hasn’t cured a single person that we know of.

he didn’t say he is looking for a cure. he is looking for something to help “benefit” him. some people seem to have been helped. I am in the same boat, I have recovered a bit naturally over the last 15 months but debate if it would be worth it try clomid every day. I also have met someone offline who has been on clomid for 2 years to help him with PFS and it has improved all his symptoms.

I know there are plenty that have tried TRT unsuccessfully. I also see a lot of people on here saying they are on TRT. Would love to hear what “benefits” they have felt from TRT even if it was only a slight improvement in certain symptoms I think that might make it worth it.

SO, members that have tried TRT let us know your experiences!

Thanks MCI. I just browsed through walkinlab’s site. Which tests did you order? Would this be what I would want to order?: … panel.html

Also, wanted to add that before I even made this post I had emailed Dr. Jacobs in an act of desperation. I just got a response back from him and his nurse, telling me that my first visit would cost $650, and my follow up visit to go over my labs would cost $475. Are you kidding me?? Lol i deleted the emails I could never afford this guy.

That is the correct lab. If you come up low any anti-ageing doc will offer TRT and an AI. To my knowledge that’s all Jacobs is doing for people, for the most part. Once you have the labs you will know if it will be worth it to pursue. You may want to give Dr. Bailey a try he will cost way less then Jacobs and is looking into helping with more then just TRT. PM me if you need his contact info. He is very nice and will spend time helping you.