Considering shrooms micro-dose

Obviously, mushrooms aren’t the cure for this. But I’m desperately looking for SOME relief for mental sides and the crippling depression that comes with the loss of one’s sexuality. There’s a few threads on this topic but they’re pretty old. Since then, has anyone had any experience with shrooms whether it’s microdosing or tripping? Have they helped you?

NO do not do that man. My friend with PSSD did shrooms and it made her much worse. Russian roulette.


Dude just time. Give It time and healthy habits, dont play with SUPPLEMENTS or remedies. Please take care of yourself, i know there are difficult days, that why u need strength to do no act dessesperately.


I mean - I don’t listen to anyone who tells me “No.” I do my own due diligence, and go from there.
With that being said, personally for me, I tried micro dosing for a month (psilocybin) and it did absolutely nothing for my mental sides. But it did not make me worse in anyway shape or form.

However, I did take a hero dose once, and it brought my emotions online 100% and faded back down. So clearly there’s something to be had/looked into on it’s effects.

You could be “healthy” and a supplement or drug could harm you in someway. So if XYZ hurts someone, it could of done the same thing, outside of PFS…

Just my two cents.

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I micro-dose all the time. It can be very helpful for mood and libido, but is very inconsistent. Definitely need to take tolerance breaks and try to get an even mix of stems and caps if you decide to try