Consequences of Prostate Atrophy/Involution

I’m wondering if anybody can chip in about the effects of Propecia’s ability to involute the prostate via androgen deprivation. I’m working on a video and wasn’t really able to determine what the effects of a shrunken, involuted prostate would be besides decreased semen… Any thoughts? Also, can anyone direct me to a reference of potential damage to the nerves of the prostate?


The prostate is directly linked to erection capacity. A shrunk prostate leads to weaker erections.

Good… any more?

Check sticky posts in Sexual Dysfunction forum, lots of info.

Oh, okay… I wasn’t seeing too much in the Fin studies area. Thanks.

Yea, once we have results of large scale studies that look into the implications of depriving the prostate gland of DHT we can answere your question.

That’s the problem we don’t have to much study results on this subject, we just have a bunch of guys who did exactly that, deprived their prostates of DHT and who now have limp dick.

Has anyone tried DHEA to try to help the prostate regeneration?

if the problem is with the prostate, what about the difficult to evacuate or to urinate?

Probably these issues are more relationed to degeneration/block of some peripheral nerve that is not
able to transmit the electic signals from penis to brain and vice versa.

Maybe the issue is relationed to medulla which is the the main chanel to signal changes once the affected region is not only the penis, but all regions linked to the pelvic floor. … s/DHEA.pdf … ctase#2712

Those are two sources that say DHEA can increase 5 alpha reductase activity. I have used DHEA with some benefits. Actually I contribute my prostate growing recently from taking DHEA.

I had a doctors appointment with an extremely open minded and informed urologist a couple of days ago. I always feel like I’m done with doctors as far as this problem goes but every once in while you find a good one.

He confirmed my thoughts about how blood DHT readings tell us nothing about how much DHT the prostate is producing. He is even aware of this forum and to an extent feels like our sysmptoms are releated to these drugs. He was not big on people coming on here and talking about how they feel every day as he feels that makes people come across like they are nuts.

But he pretty much was agreeing that finding a way to measure the amount of DHT are prostates are producing would be key to figuring this out.

But to answer your question I believe taking DHEA did grow my prostate.

I even have recent x Ray tests that show I have an enlarged prostate which I did not have after my crash or even months after my crash.

I have also noticed improvments in my symptoms sense my prostate grew. I honestly believe DHEA grew my prostate. Do I know how? Of course not…

It could have been because of increased 5 alpha reductase activity in the prostate

It could have been because the DHEA increased my estrogen levels that made my prostate grow.

There no way to know for sure

My last 2 blood test show DHEA over range. No supplementation and it hasn’t help me.

Did you say you have not tried taking a DHEA suppletment?

I would not judge dhea’s abiity to stimulate your prostate based off of if you curruntly have normal DHEA levels in your body or not…

Even if they are normal or high naturally you could always make then even higher to see if the extra DHEA has any positive effects on your prostate or 5 alpha reductase function.

Of course I’m not saying don’t consider the risks:

Having a prostate that is made larger by DHEA or anything for that matter is not necessarily a good thing


We don’t know of having crazy high DHEA levels has any other potential risk that we are not aware of