Connor Murphy (Popular Youtuber) This guy developed PFS I think

Wow… anyone here know about the fitness guy Connor Murphy??
Basically he used to have a well built physique (steroids or not) and then I saw lately he did a 40 day fast… He looks really sick, and even said he was put in a psychiatric ward…

He even states using minoxidil, finasteride. Check it out and read the comments.

damn this guys eyes look exactly like mine when I got PFS. No shine to them , dry.

After watching some of his videos he recorded during his very public “breakdown”, I had considered it a possibility (he’s made videos about previous hair transplants and his finasteride use is confirmed in the vid posted in this thread). However, after watching some of his behaviour since during his 40 day fast, and others stating he had been using drugs a bit (hallucinogens I think?), it really didn’t look like he had PFS, just didn’t look like a fit for what I went through and how so many men describe it on here. Murphy’s since back making his standard type of videos, he recently uploaded a video where he’s flashing his abs around at a mansion party. It’s possible but I don’t think he has PFS.

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well I was acting messed up right away… The symptoms also hit me right away, but it took me 2-3 months to even wake from the brain fog to realize what is going on. Its like I was frustrated because I knew something was wrong, but I didnt even have the brain capacity to understand what was wrong and WHY I felt off.

dont know about the pfs, but he has beautiful thick hair though :grin:

God I wish that was me. It’s crazy how fin is an almost literal godsend for many people, but has straight-up ruined the lives of we unlucky few.

exactly some people end up with both a slew of horrific symptoms as well as their hair falling out in the end.

If only the fin would prevent any further hair loss (after stopping) it would at least done something in your favor!

In my case after I crashed my hair no longer falls out anymore but now I’m left completely damaged and can give a single fuck about my hair.

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i know bro, im just saying. how much more terrible would it be if you had all of those symptoms as well as ending up bald from hair loss. Its like the one thing you wanted to prevent, you still ended up bald but this time you have a slew of diseases with it.

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I tought he took finasteride and crashed badly, even before reading this topic.

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He recently talked about his finasteride use in a video with kenny ko. He said he took finasteride for a couple weeks following his first hair transplant which was a few years ago. He said he had a negative reaction to it after only a couple weeks. Said he got gyno and low libido and muscle loss. He went on to say it really messed up his hormones and took him a couple years to recover. He sounded very serious when talking about his reaction to finasteride.

I hope he makes a video which goes into more detail on those years he had PFS and what he did to help him such as supplements and bloodwork.

Go to the 10 minute mark thats about when he starts talking about it.

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I feel like I should make a new topic for this recent video considering it looks like the OP and everyone that replied is ignorant to who this guy is and the timelines. I have been following this guys career for like 5 years now

He was a somewhat popular fitness youtuber then had an ayahuasca trip and seems to have completely changed his mentality/image/brand to be more spiritual since the trip.

Dont think his “mental breakdown” really had anything to do with PFS since he said he returned to normal after a couple of years after taking finasteride and he took fin a few years ago. The breakdown seemed to be triggered by the ayahuasca but thats just speculation on my part who knows

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