Ever since I was on and after I quit propecia I get these really bad all day headaches 2-5 days a week usually. I really thought it was just part of the lack of quality sleep I usually get. I’m wondering if they are separate? I sleep 8-9 hours a night. Usually only get up once for a few minutes to use the bathroom. I get these “tension” type headaches over most of the top of my head. I lay down for hours and they don’t go away. Advil and Tylenol don’t help at all. Coffee makes these worse. I tried some migraine pills after all of these years and it makes me feel much better.
Then again maybe the lack of quality of sleep is causing these? But again Im not sure my quality of sleep is bad. I sleep through most nights mostly uninterrupted.
I don’t know what I am asking exactly. I guess I’m wondering if others on here experience this? Or maybe its something not related to PFS. When you guys haven’t slept well do you just feel sleepy? Or/and do you have a headache that won’t go away?