Confused by the numbers

Is anyone else perturbed by the relatively low number of people complaining of our symptoms? With so many guys taking finasteride in some form, Im shocked that there arent way more people on this site. Coupled with the fact that a lot of people improve and dont seem to return, it makes me think that theres gotta be an unrelated variable. Dont forget that there are almost definitely some false positives in this forum.

I know that I, myself, am a hypochondriac. My symptoms are real but I really wonder what made me predisposed to this. Im a very stressed person by nature and I was always prone to depression and in my teens even, I was always concerned about my ability to perform sexually but it always seemed to work out. I have a feeling that my bloodflow and hormones were always slightly below normal because women didnt drive me crazy like they did with most guys in their late teens early 20s, unless it was porn. I also began to masturbate at a very young age and had inexplicable headaches all through my childhood, into adulthood. Im sure my biggest contributing problem stems from my brain. just wish I knew for sure how. Thoughts or similar experiences? Man, I wish we were a hundred years in the future when non of this shit will be a problem for people.

For one, this seems to be a rare condition, although I know of people IRL who have it to some degree.

Secondly, make sure that you rule out other possibilities that may be treatable. Have you ever been to a doctor regarding these headaches and low desire?
This sounds contrary to the majority with this condition, who typically identify with being hypersexual prior to taking whatever medication caused it.

Buh, really?

PAS and PSSD patients have said the same (generally). That they felt as if they had a higher sex drive compared to their peers. It’s difficult to gauge this though. Some people may hide their lust or fake it. I always tried to hide it.

I was hypersexual before fin

Oh yeah, Ive been to loads of drs about my symptoms my whole life. No one could make sense of them. The headaches went away sometime in adulthood And now I only seem to get them when Im deprived of caffeine but Ive mostly cut out caffeine entirely.

Wow, that’s wild if not some confirmation bias. I too was hypersexual before fin.

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Likewise. Again who the heck knows, but maybe this is why it generally affects younger men

I agree I think it depends on the age you took it this poison at.

Also was hyper sexual pre pfs. My friends always joked about it. Miss those days.