The strength and stability of my erection depends entirely on my libido, usually very low, although it is positive for nofap and retaining sexual energies (the secret of spiritual abundance).
When a woman turns me on a lot, I have a directly proportional erection, like prefinast. And even without tadalafil.
Consuming coffee harms me, weaker or non-existent nocturnal erections, due to daytime vasoconstriction, cortisol, etc.
Ejaculating should be avoided, as much as possible, and focus only on the pleasure of the couple, for more abundant and satisfying sexual moments.
The ketogenic diet, sports and strength exercises are the best.
Small dose of tadalafil every 2-3 days may help improve function when tissues are tense or compressed.
The feeling of impotence or castration due to lack of spontaneous erections or low libido is illusory, I can always achieve an erection like prefinast if I reach high levels of libido.
Smoking marijuana with tobacco greatly increases my libido but harms my erection due to vasoconstriction and disruptive substances.
This reads about the same as my symptoms.
I can still do everything but have no resting arousal, no morning wood, etc.
I’m still trying to iron out what causes bad days.
I found that whenever i go on holiday in sunny countries my symptoms almost dissapear.
I’ve been taking 25mg of sildenafil prior to bed to facilitate health in the tissues. Seems to be havong a beneficial effect.
Do you have any other tips?