Comprehensive list of shit that definately works in some way

Right guys come on you know what I’m talking about. Lets find out everything that helps restore male sex drive no matter how minutely subtle. Once we’ve done that I’m going to endeavour to take it all.

Got one more week of my clomid test to do then I’m gonna give it a couple of weeks to see if I start to feel better if not then I’m gonna take every supplement imaginable to increase male libido.

So far

Maca - seems to actually do somethings
tribulus - anecdotes are positive
creatine - definately increases dht
d- aspartic acid - definately increases test

What else?

I think the one thing that is widely agreed to be a good thing for recovery is viagra for the purpose of getting the blood flowing and replace the lack of nocturnal erections that otherwise take place. Every night, no matter how weak, I would give myself an erection (even if i didn’t masturbate) and i think that really helped. Plus this is backed up by a lot of good science. I can’t find the post but i also think mew endorsed this view (correct me if I’m wrong).

Nocturnal erections are clearly there for a reason so to not replace them would be unwise.

Yes good point but I think you mean cialis.

I have started taking 10mg of cialis every third day for exactly that reason.

Honestly I haven’t had too much ED (can usually keep around 90%) but my libido is really low.

That being said, I think doing Kegels has definitely help with erection strength.

No I don’t get ED either but I also don’t get nocturnal or morning erections either as much. I think it’s important to get erections no matter how you get them.

I actually usually do get morning erections, and can achieve nocturnal ones as well (not random though)

The only time I do not have morning erections is when a traumatic event happens, which will trigger my depression. Like last night my longtime gf got really pissed at me and I have a suspicion she’s now cheating. No erctions libido at all since last night, can’t eat, couldn’t sleep even with 6mg melatonin, and usually I never have these problems at all. I guess in my case I need to know how I can help with depression/anxiety.

I have been taking melatonin for a few years now due to a chronic sleeping problem. Take it every night! I have noticed that 3-5mg is good for sleep for me. Any less or even any more than that and it doesn’t work! Don’t know why!

Maca - seems to actually do something
tribulus - anecdotes are positive
creatine - definately increases dht
d- aspartic acid - definately increases test

About to try

fenugreek extract

Clomid also helps but the benefits from it only seem to be temporary.

Here is something:

  1. Get Plenty of Exercise
  2. Eat Healthy

Yeah well I do that already and it hasn’t made a bit of difference in 4 months of hard training so far but thanks for the tip!

and what about “Gamma Aminobutyric Acid”? Has someone tried this substance?

Healthy diet and exercise has improved my symptoms so much. It’s been over two years since i crashed. I started lifting about 6 months in. I now do bikram yoga three times a week lift and do cardio the other days. My libido has returned and my erections are probably 85-90%.

I also eat a good diet. Fruit, veggie, nuts, eggs, fish.

I no longer take any supps besides fish oil. I am not cured but I feel so much better since cleaning up my diet and adding bikram over 4 months ago.

I would add that Tribulus has been THE best thing (along with Remeron) for helping me with my mental sides and lack of energy. I would recommend it for everyone on here to try it - the active ingredient is similar in shape to a testosterone molecule and the body may be able to make use of it to some degree because of its similarity to T.