Compiling list of names of those who deny PFS

Upon typing Post Finasteride Syndrome into Google search this study pulls up on the very first page:

This is just one study that I found detrimental to our suffering and is probably why I have had a psychiatric consultant diagnose me with delusional disorder provided that all organic testing was carried out and was inconclusive, a young man from were I live was also diagnosed with this and sadly took his own life at the age of 21:

Names from study:
Trüeb R.M.a · Régnier A.a · Dutra Rezende H.a · Gavazzoni Dias M.F.R.

I tried to find any contacts for these individuals but came up short, it seems that this study may have been done in Brazil as the names may suggest.

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Might it be better to draw up a list of allies rather than deniers?

If your consultant had access to a list of People who confirm PFS’ existence, they may have given a more accurate diagnosis.

I think it’s important to hold those responsible who are doing detrimental damage to men out there. If and when PFS gets recognized as a condition we’ll see them trying to get rid of their harmful lies but we should keep an archive.


Screen shot everything you can on these people so when the truth comes out you can expose these dumb fucks who denied it incase they start deleting their bullshit