Common foods that are likely setting you back

That’s how it was for me 5 years ago then things turned on the head and I became increasingly sensitive to more and more foods. I believe 5ars mimic fin, they reduce dht then you get a surge which overwhelms the receptors. I didn’t know about PFS and continued eating lots of what was spiraling my anxiety etc etc etc I expect they became increasingly sensitive to where I am now. If I’d known about PFS years ago I think I could have got out of it before there was so much damage. Feels like a one way ticket, a ride I can’t get off! Faith for me mate. .

Guys (anyone reading this thread),

This thread is not about making sure you 100% do not eat any of these foods.

The point of this thread is to make you aware of some of the common foods that might have an ability to make you have set-backs. Read the list, and try to be cognizant of if any of them effect you negatively.

I do not personally cut out ALL of these foods. But by realizing certain foods that have “bad” compounds in them for me, I’ve been able to cut a number of them out and feel better for it.

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Yes i’m aware about corn oil, but not the corn itself. Entire corn (corn flour) is low in phytoestrogens, really low.
I’m asking this because i’m working on a list of products to avoid, descending by activity.

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This is what I don’t get. I took SP and Pygeum, both probably not amounting to much more than 400mg of phytosterols, the main culprits thought of inhibiting 5ar and binding to the AR.

How in the hell could this fuck me up so badly, considering the average diet already contains such an amount of phytosterols?

Maybe it’s because of the beta-sitosterol specifically, which might not be that abundant in the average diet I presume. But still. How a lousy plant could have such disastrous effects, it’s almost unbelievable.

Brown rice is a 5ari but white rice is fine, I eat white rice regularly while carb backloading.

So portobellos are safe? Bought some and just want to make sure before eating them.


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