Color of your pee

Guy before SP side effects I had always very thick and yelow/brownish pee but no more now. it is very watery and either colorless or light greenish. does it indicate our pitutary is not giving out enough anti-diuretic harmone so we are going to closer to have diabetese?

please know me who else is having this phenomon?

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I have had this problem majorly since starting Fin. It got worse and worse. Now my pee is never anything but clear unless I have a b vitamin and its out of me in an hour. And as much as I pee I’m pretty sure I have diabetes insipidus but I don’t want to do the whole test/medication BS. This is when your body constantly cycles water out of your system regardless of the current hydration.

Interesting note: I started taking L-Arginine about 10 days ago (first dose). My pee was yellow after it for a couple days and I noticed a huge difference in my body, it felt like blood was flowing everywhere and my penis felt much fuller. L-Arginine is the precurser to NO which inflates the body.

It feels as if the NO swelled and opened up the cells everywhere and some of the junk finally started to come out.

how much L-arginine are you taking. Are you sure the effects will persist. I am afraid like many things it will fed away in two weeks.

500 MG but I’ve only taken it once a week so far. The effects seem to hold for that long. As with anything I am not positive the effects will continue but I can tell you something good is happening.

I’ve read some of Mew’s posts where he has had luck with L-Arginine but uses it sparingly as to avoid the dropoff effect that we all fear. That’s why I’m only going to take it a few times a month or when I feel I need it (could be less than a few times a month) as long as I’m having positive results.

I do also seem to have more ejaculate and an urge to come with good feeling. Trying not to overdo it though…

Read some of the sticky’s on this.

color of pee is very good indicator.

I will try L-arginine too.

My piss is now the dirtiest, cloudiest, yellowish brown colour.
It smells disgusting and froths up like dish washing liquid.
I have also noticed when my pee sits for a while(ie i dont flush) a bit of a white film settles on top…no urine tract problems…been tested and cleared of that.
My dick smells different now also…there is some weird stuff going on with me :open_mouth: