Coffee turns me crazy

Before it gave me no problems, but for a few months if I drink a cup of coffee I have not slept all night, I literally up all night. But I tolerate decaffeinated coffee well, and at the moment I consume that, of a good brand, because I like to have the taste of coffee in my mouth : )

A cup of coffee in the AM really makes my mind clear.

But if I drink more than 2 cups or drink in the afternoon I can’t sleep.

I kind of had the same before. But I got almost euphoric then, so the mood benefits is dulled. And I wouldn’t be sleepless even if I drank a cup close to bed.

I can handle energy drinks just fine, which is a lot of caffeine. But coffee and even decaffeinated coffee I somehow don’t take well and I feel nauseous throughout the day. Probably some other compound in coffee that I can’t handle well.

Interesting. I’ve never been a coffee drinker but I’ve been drinking green tea for 13 years however after PFS, I can’t do it anymore. It makes me angry and causes bad brain fog. Pretty much all I can have is one or two small bites of dark chocolate (~28 kcals) and that’s it. I don’t do well with caffeine related products for some reason anymore.

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