Clomiphene as possible treatment to reach recovery

Hi guys, I’ve been experimenting a lot of protocols. I will put it here

For T: Clomid, tamoxifen, tribulus, maca, vitamins, proviron, Panax ginseng
For E: Arimidex
For prolactin: Dostinex
For candid.a: Nystatin, diflucan, fluconazole, no sugar, no carbs, s. Boulardii, bifidobacterium
For progesterone: progesterone cream
For adrenal fatigue: Hydrocortisone pill and cream, prednisone, licorice root.

I may took other things too but I just want to say that the only supplements that made me feel better from this list were, clomid, tamoxifen and tribulus, the others or they did nothing or made me worse.

With trial and error I found one protocol that makes me feel better.

I am taking from 6-12.5mg of clomid once every two weeks. Many tried clomid here but they always felt worse, this is because they take high dosages or too often, this will make estrogen rebound very strong. I will try to paste here what I wrote about how the protocol works to reverse pfs.

Serms blocks ER, so your brain will see low E, so how your body will produce more E? Yes, by increasing T, so if you take too much, your brain will see very low E, in my case I get all low E sides like lethargy, intense brain fog, bad sleep, no libido, poor orgasm. Then the T will increase a lot to produce a lot of E, then your E will get very high and you crash. That’s what happened to me if you read my crashes with tamoxifen. Now that I explained that taking too much will do harm to our body and how it happens I will also explain that clomid is better in restoring and resetting ER than tamoxifen and tamoxifen is more focused on Breast tissue. 20mg of tamoxifen = 150mg of clomid.

Now about frequency. The half life of both serms are 5-7 days. What does it mean? If you take clomid today and in 5 days you will get the half of the dosage of the first day more the total dosage you took 5 days later so = 1/2+1.

Why I say to take after 14 days, because if you take 6mg after 14 days you will have 1.5mg in your blood, and this combined with more 6mg will do no harm. If you take 12mg, after 14 days you will get 3mg, and with 12.5mg will do no harm. After sometime you will need to do the math to avoid having more than 25mg in your body, because with me, 25mg gave me only gave me sides.

After doing this protocol your ER will be more sensitive to E, so it will say to your body that it needs less E to function, so you will expel the rest of the E, this will lead to more benefits as E is a natural 5ar inhibitor. You will start to notice less brain fog, more energy, morning wood returning, more muscle, libido, erections until 100% recovered. E is also a regulator of thyroid, too much and your thyroid will be tired to produce T4 and convert to T3. Too much E will increase cortisol, cause stress and adrenal fatigue. Thyroid also regulates prolactin. Everything is connected. If you’re crazy with candida, too much E will interfere with NO production, NO also kills candida and bad bacteria. Also T and dopamine are connected.

How it can guarantee long lasting results and cure? With your body expelling E thus increasing 5ar, T, AR, this will make your body naturally oppose E and getting more balanced. During this process don’t expect to be cured in a week or 2, expect that you will feel better, then this awesome feeling will decrease a little bit and you will get a better baseline, after 14 days this will happen again and again and again until you say I’m cured.

But why many tried serms and didn’t recover? Well, if you read my blog you will see that I tried many times, different dosages and frequency until I found what works. If you read the others who tried it, first thing you will see is that they took everyday, so just do the math, at the end of the week this person will have taken more clomid that his body could support, this of course will make his E decrease too much and then causing a strong rebound effect. It’s simple to understand why they failed, or too much dosage or too often.