How many people here are stuck with LOW T (hypogonadism) that went a round with Clomid and testosterone stayed up and stuck to where Clomid healed the low t issue??? Just curious… And I don’t mean clomid healed ure hypo symptoms… I mean got diagnosed with LOW T and ran Clomid and stopped taking Clomid and the test that was raised from the Clomid stayed up after stopping CLomid???

I got brainfog just by reading your post. Seriously man if you think your problem is not pfs do us a favour and stop spamming this forum.

How did u get brainfog just by reading the post?? The post makes since… Its a simple question… I just want to know if I did clomid would it help me as far as where I didn’t have to rub cream on me for the rest of my life?? Meaning if I did it for 2 months and got tested and my test was 1000… and went back in to see uro 3 months off clomid on nothing and test was 1000 still… I am wanting to know if anyone on this forum with propecia induces hypogonadism or low t has ran a round with Clomid and it worked like I am describing here… And I don’t mean healed all hypo symptoms I mean made it to where TEST stuck or stayed up when coming off CLomid for 6 months

Man sorry to ask this kind of question, but are you retarded? People here have pfs not propecia induced hypogonadism. You just invented a new condition. Pfs is when you took propecia and upon stoppage you still have health issues. These health issues could be anything, from mere mental diffculties, to a total body mess.
If people here had only experience low test, then by going to trt they would be fine. The problem is they dont. Any kind of hrt seems to make little or no change, this is why everyone is trying ti understand what is going on.
Please do us this favor i asked you in my previous reply.

Ok since I have been on TRT… Almost 4 months now… I have never lost morning, spon, or nocturnals… I was able to have sex the first 2 months without the use of an ed med. I prolly was able to have sex 10 times on this protocal… I was doing test cream daily and vigor rx plus… Now I just do test cream and I tak 5mg daily Cialis… and I can have sex everday on this protocol… I have been taking 5 mg for almost a month and it hasn’t lost effectiveness yet. However I am stuck with low t(hypogonadism) and obviousely mild ed since I stopped taking propecia… Now my test is up thanks to the TRT and I still have mild ed… But I don’t have any other side effects from the drug… So in ure honest opinion would u call this PFS or just low t?? Be REAL with me

I tried Clomid for 1 month. It tripled my T level but also tripled my estrogen so felot no benefit. My T level was 6.9 n/mol and went to 28 n/mol. Clomid did nothing for me. Maybe if I used an anti estrogen, like tamoxifen, it would have helped, but I did not want to use that.

Did ure testosterone stick when u got off it or did it go back down???

Man i told you if you have ANY health issues after finasteride, then you have pfs. If you didnt have pfs you wouldnt need cialis. You would have treated your low t with trt successfully. But trt is not enough, and this shows that your problem is not just low t. Doesnt your stupid doctor already told you that? If you put a normal man in trt he will be ripped, full of energy, sex machine, high libido etc. do you feel that way?

Went back down but not as low, dont know what it is now though.