
Who is here had only low testoesterone and good e2 value , and had a sucsses with clomid?

I began taking clomid/anastrozole compounded pill in june 2011. I had a test range in the 200s and elevated e2. My test range improved into the 700s and my e2 was under control. Currently i’m taking 25 mg of clomid 3x’s per week. My test range is in the low 600s. My e2 value has improved and has been steady so i no longer take anastrozole. My life improved dramatically after taking clomid.

Me and I’m running clomid and letro now @ 100mgs clomid daily and 2.5mgs letro daily.

and how do you feel?

Like shit!

so clomid didn’t help you?

Johnson I’m Monty btw if you are the Johnson from our forum!

Anyway no, I’m not saying it hasn’t helped as it is not supposed to help immediately. I am on day 6 or 7 of 100mgs clomid and 2.5mgs letro.



haha yes monty i am same jonson.