Clomid Prescription in the UK?

Can anyone help point me as to how I can obtain Clomid in the UK? I asked my doctor but it’s only prescribed for women, so that’s a no go, and I don’t want to buy it from some dodgy foreign website. I got PFS the last time I did that :open_mouth:


No one?

Dr Andrew Rynne in Ireland may be able to help you.

Thanks Mark, he crossed my mind but I didn’t realise he had a new website. I’ll give him a try!

Email Dr Savage I think a few guys have been to see him for Clomid.

Thanks Andy.

Got mine from Dr Savage as well, but for me Clomid didn’t work

It tripled my testosterone levels but also tripled my estrogen and overall I’d say it did more harm than good

Thanks Paul, I was thinking to try a very low dose of Clomid because some people saw some improvement with that.

Just a fyi…Dr. John Crisler is recommending to his low dose clomid users to take:
DIM 200mg per day + Calcium d-glucarate 500mg twice per day.

This is to help mitigate the estrogenic sides often associated with clomid use or even for just estrogen dominance.

See posts #9, 11, & 12