Before I explain anything, I want you guys to know I did read many many many of the previous threads detailing people’s experiences with clomid. I can’t find a consistent answer, so I’m posting my questions here.
I just picked up a script of clomid from my pharmacy. I want to know what I can expect, how to dose it to get the most out of it.
Will it help restore body composition? Will it help with sleep? Visual lust?
What is the best way to dose it so as to not over do it? Daily, weekly, monthly?
Does it fix brain fog? Working memory and long term memory?
Please answer quick. I’m not in a good spot, and I know clomid has made it worse for some people. I’m looking to dose it as little as possible to have as long as an effect as possible, even if it goes away. Just to springboard me into a better routine so i don’t off myself. I have been on wellbutrin the past two weeks, which i guess gives me a boost of energy, but not much else. Any advice would be appreciated as to what exactly clomid did while it was working, after, anything. Please.