Clomid plus Androgel?

Has anyone taken Androgel (or other TRT) with Clomid? It seems that most respond really well to TRT first 2-3 weeks, but then it’s affect diminishes. Maybe this is due to natural testosterone, LH, FSH, or other hormones dropping off? So has anyone been on Clomid for a period of time, and then added TRT?

My new local endo says for patients that don’t respond well to Clomid or Androgel independently, he advises they take them together. He says he has had a lot of success with it. Keep in mind these individuals do not have PFS.

Please don’t tell me that Clomid doesn’t have an affect on testosterone, LH, FSH, etc when on TRT unless you have studies to back it up. I can’t find any actual studies that back this widely held theory on the steroid forums.

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