Clomid experiences and where to buy?


Can you tell me your stories good or bad around clomid use?

Also, where is the best place to buy it from in the uk or online?

I would like to know…

  1. Did it work for you or not?
  2. How long did you take it for?
  3. Did it increase your T level?

Thank you in advance

  1. It did not work for me. Made me feel cruddy.
  2. Took it for a month, every other day.
  3. It did not increase my serum testosterone, but increased testosterone in a 24-hr urinary panel.

Get it on bodybuilder websites. It increases LH and FSH and thus, if you have healthy testicles, Total Testosterone.

It improved my symptoms since I had very low T after quitting but since low T is not our (only) problem it only goes so far.


How did it improve your symptoms?

I have low T and low LH too.

How would I know if its my balls or problem with pituitary gland?

How much did you take and for how long?

It helped me get nocturnal and morning erections again. I am up to this day taking 50mg before every night. Last time I checked my test levels were in range. I will do another test in 2 weeks after my fast and see where I am at.

If you do not notice a raise in T with Clomid but still a raise in FSH/LH then that may indicate issues with the leydig cells in your testes. I do however not think that PFS typically involves damaged testicles. If you do not notice a raise in T following Clomid use you can look into that further (get blood work, try HCG, etc).