Clomid and testicle pain

Hi guys. I was really fired up by legendary’s clomid protocol from his endo.

Anyway I have some clomid in my drawer and I couldn’t wait for my letrizole to use it because I realised the other time I tried it I just didn’t use it for long enough to get results.

Anyhow been a few days taking 25mg at night and today I’ve been getting this pain in my left testicle. Just like when I first took finasteride. I’ve never been excited about a pain in my balls before but this time I am. I really hope it’s a sign of them waking up!

Anyone else experienced this?

might be a varicocele. lots of us have em post fin.

I had a vericocele before taking SP/fin. Don’t know if this is part of my problem or not…

Well the pain went away so I guess it wasn’t necessarily a sign of my balls coming back to life. Oh well!

I had the same problem when used at high doses (150 mg) but after a few days the pain disappeared

What were your other experiences of using 150mg of clomid?

I used 150mg in the first 3 weeks (with 0,5 Adex) and my libido is back to normal, 150 mg dose is too high for men and with that you will need an IA (like Adex or Aromasin)

Hey mate sorry to be a pain but can you give me a bit more info? Really glad it worked for you.

How long did you take it for? Just 3 weeks?
Did you take adex after you stopped the clomid for a while or just while you were on it?

I BELIEVE that pain in the testicles while using Clomid is normal since he makes his balls back to normal

1-3 week Clomid 150mg + Arimidex 0,5mg
3-6 week 25mg EOD + Nolvadex 10mg ED

My libido is back to normal and my Testosterone jumped from 231 to 688

Well you and I have roughly the same lower end testosterone readings. And you continue to have libido now since discontinuation?

How long since you last took clomid?

I don’t think testicle pain is a good thing I think pain happens because damage is being done to the body. I had to stop using clomid because of very bad testicle pain.


6 months


I hope I am as lucky as you!

Thank you for coming back and giving your feedback :slight_smile:

Pain in the same left testical again today since forcing myself to go for a run to get out of my depressed state.

Been on letro 2.5mgs for 6 days and clomid 25mgs for about 2 weeks. Dropped the letro to 1.25mgs a couple of days ago whilst I am only on 25mgs of clomid until my restock arrives.

Did a few sprints in my run.

I actually like this ball ache. It’s the only time ANYTHING at all has happened since trying to treat this condition. How sad to be appreciative of testicular aching. Please God let it be a good sign. I’m not that bad a guy dammit!

Quit Letrozole it decrease too much estrogen, take Adex .5 or Aromasin

you already tried Proviron ?

I can’t afford to buy any more AI’s so I’ll have to use the letro that I’ve got. Yes I did try proviron and my libido shot through the roof but then dropped off again to nothing. Since that time I have taken 10 x the amount I took and it does nothing. Can’t figure out why it worked so well and never again!

You take Letro every day ? would be good to have blood test to measure your Estrogen and thereby adjust the dose

Proviron you should not take more than 50mg p / day, above that will suppress the HPTA

Yeah I will be taking it at 2.5mgs with 100mgs of clomid daily. I’ve got 1 blood test that my endo let me have but that’s it so I have to use it wisely. I figured I’d wait until after the first 3 weeks of taking 100mgs clomid daily with 2.5mgs letrozole and see what my figures are then.

A few years ago I took 25mgs proviron for a couple of days and my libido was uncontrollable. Then it dropped back to non existent. I raised the dose and still nothing. A couple of months ago I tried it again at 50mgs for 4 days and it did nothing again!