I started using Citracal Plus recently and noticed improvements in all areas: 1) mood; 2) energy; 3) erection strength; 4) penile sensitivity; 5) increased amount of semen.
Two tablets contain:
Citrical Plus contains:
Vitamin D 250IU 63%
Vitamin B6 10mg 500%
Calcium (elemental) 500mg 50%
Magnesium 80mg 20%
Zinc 10mg 67%
Copper 1mg 50%
Manganese 1mg 50%
Boron 1mg
I take 3 tablets per day.
I used to take zinc 50mg/per day with 2mg Copper/per day but switched to Citracal because I wanted to reduce my dependence on zinc (which also caused improvements in the areas listed above). But, the Citracal Plus has been more effective.
Has anyone else had success with Citracal? If anyone starts taking Citracal I would appreciate a post telling us about your experience here.