I thought I would create a new thread focused on supplements that have alleviated a lot of my symptoms
My sexual sides have improved 100% and this has been the case for over 9 months now.
The supplements that helped me are:
Himalayan Pilex
Cistanche Deserticola (low dose)
Crushed sorghum seeds (low dose)
Bad news is that I cannot tolerate caffeine.
Drinking coffee causes a flare up of Hemorrhoids and this will cause some of my sexual sides to come back. I can tolerate one or two glasses of coffee per week maximum.
Also my sleep quality is still not 100%;
Physical exercise, valerian tablets and good foam earplugs are the things that help my sleep quality the most.
My cycle was something like this:
Take Fargelin tablets only for 2 weeks.
Take half a tablet daily. Then if no adverse reaction, increase to one or two tablets daily.
Then take Himalayan Pilex only for 2 weeks
Take half a tablet daily. Then if no adverse reaction, increase to one or two tablets daily.Continue for 2 weeks.
Then to boost DHT:
take Cistanche Deserticola extract only for 2 weeks
Put a pinch or two into a smoothie and drink.
Then take crushed Sorghum Seeds only, for 2 weeks
Put a few crushed seeds into a smoothie and drink.
Also take Valerian, Kalms tablets to help sleep.