Cialis and Alcohol

Hi All,

I’ve had a rough couple of months. I’m looking for some advice from anyone who has taken both cialis and drank alcohol at the same time.

I’ve gone almost 6 months now without having sex. About a month ago, I ordered some 10mg cialis. I was nervous about taking it so I split the 10mg tablet into two and took a half (5 mg) around 7pm. There was no reaction for two hours (I tried playing with it but it was dead as a dodo) and I had a date at 9:30pm so I took the other half at 9pm. At about 10pm, I began to feel some life down there. I then put my hands on my date’s hips and got an erection to my relief. I had four drinks that night and although my date never invited me back to hers, I went home and masturbated and it felt great to be somewhat normal again. I had some headaches over the next 36 hours but they were worth it and I thought to myself if I meet anyone now, the pills will sort me out.

I had a wedding at the weekend and there were lots of single ladies at it. I had three drinks in the afternoon over a four hour period and then I took a nap. I decided to take a 10mg cialis at 11pm and had about another 6-7 drinks over the next 3-4 hours. I was sober as a duck. The cialis had zero impact. I went back to my room 4 hours after taking it and tried to have a play around but there was no erection. I then went back to the party and started talking to a really hot girl but there was nothing. I woke up around 7am, got up at 9am and the cialis kicked in around 10am (when the alcohol left my system I’m guessing).

I was really annoyed as (where I come from) it’s very difficult to meet women without drinking alcohol as they just think there’s something wrong with you if you don’t drink and lose interest. I was hoping the cialis would work but it clearly didn’t. Did anyone else have similar experiences and are there any solutions (besides not drinking alcohol)? I could try a stronger pill (20 mg) or if I took the cialis, say, five hours before drinking to let it kick in, does it work then? I’d prefer not to take cialis daily as I’m just looking to have something on stand by if I need it.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

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Yeah, alcohol and food are always a problem when taking viagra or cialis. One night I had to take 200mg of viagra to achieve a decent erection because I drank too many beers with the girl, I may have taken even 250mg, can’t remember. It worked for me, but my face was completely red and I had intense pain in the head.

Yeah don’t do that dude

Alcohol lowers your blood pressure
So does cialis and drugs in the same class as cialis
Lowering blood pressure too much is not good–you will pass out or be very sleepy.

Thanks guys. I wasn’t tired or sleepy at all though - I had loads of energy but the pill just did nothing down there unfortunately.