Cialis 5mg - It worked for me

Hi All,

After having trouble with erection (started in 2011) I got Cialis 5mg since March this year and I just use it when I want to sleep with my girlfriend, so far it has not disappointed me, I just make sure I take it maybe a few hours before the action happens, I dont see the effect very quickly since I feel it takes time for my body to understand what it is supposed to do.

At the moment I am not thinking to go for 10mg since I think its better to start with the lower dose first before moving up.

The only side effects I get sometimes is headache but most of the time I am ok.

The main problem though is, I dont feel the pleasure like before having the PFS, the feeling I have I would describe it to be more mechanical, the only satisfaction I get is that I feel good for a few hours to be able to have somewhat a “normal” sexual life.

Hope this helps.


Yes I agree I started off with 5mg daily… Now I can have sex without ed meds 3 days a week… If I eat 1mg daily Cialis 3 times a week I can have sex everyday… u ought to try it… get a script for 2.5 mg daily and split it… Eat a 1mg sunday, Wednesday, and Friday… u can have sex 7 days a week…

Thank you for your message, do you think I can split my 5mg into two and take it every day? I just feel after 24 hours the effect is not as strong as the first 24 hours, but if I take every day a tablet maybe my erections will be better…

Do u have a script for 2.5mg daily??? If u do u can split the 2.5mg and when u split it u will have 2 pills…both of them being a 1 mg or 1.2… U can actually take 1mg 3 days a week like sunday, Wednesday, and Friday… Eat em at around the same time when u take it on those consecutive days… So ure actually only taking 3 milligrams a week… and that should be enough in ure system to where u can have sex everyday and it be strong… I have a script for 2.5 mg and I don’t have to take meds but when I was retraining my penis cuz of this situation that is wht I would do… If u only have a script for 5mg daily… Yes u can split the 5mg and have two 2.5 mg pieces and do it the same way… eat a 2.5mg three days a week… it will save u money too… I believe the 1mg will work for u 3 days a week because I started out on the 5mgs and worked my way down… Now if I want to fuck I can do it doggiestyle no problem… A couple of times I tried other positions but in my opinion its too much work… Sometimes I lose erection in other positions but I never do when I am doing it doggiestyle… Basically its working with the lowest dose as possible and taking it 3 days a week… What ever ure comfortable performing at… In answer to ure question… Yes…if u split the 5mg and eat a 2.5 mg daily its still gonna be hard as a rock… I would try it 3 days a week and perform daily like this and them bump it down when u see its consistent…

Thank you for your response, I have just the script for 5 mg but I will try to split into 2.5mg and take it as you suggested 3 times per week and see how it works for me. I think the key here is to experiment and find the perfect balance for myself.

I would never have thought in my life that I would ever need this staff! That is a totally new situation for me! One thing which this pills can not replace is the electricity which I felt before the PFS, how do I describe? I feel now its very mechanical but the feeling of excitement is not the same, I would say maybe now its 30% whereas before it was 100% and I would feel very exited about sleeping with my girlfriend.

I am trying to stay positive with the faith that one day I will recover again.

Thank you again!

No problem brother!!

What happens if u don’t have any ed meds in ure system?? Can u get a decent erection… like does it get hard when u watch porn???

It may be psychological tho. How are you man? Maybe you will see this after years one day. Hope you got recovered…

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