"Chronic prostatitis"

Look at this. I believe this. Read the middle of the paragraph about prostatitis and pelvic inflammatory disease.


Btw. read my post on “depression causing low T” in the ‘Studies section’.
I just don’t think I’m a high Testosterone kinda guy to begin with. I think a lot of us may not be. I don’t think any of us are real real far “out” of range. I think this is more a chronic prostatitis kinda situation. Mew please read this web page.
I basicly did a Google search for “curing chronic prostatitis”

PS. Read at the top of the first paragraph where it states,
“(Discharge pathogens, Discharge toxins, and Discharge residue particles – calcification) from within the prostate gland…”
This would definately be blocking metabolic pathways which would definately block the proper metabolization and balancing of the hormone system, especially since the prostate and testicles are so involved.

What do you think? Does anyone see eye to eye here. I think this is the problem, hands down. There’s no question about it. I mean think about it. Finasteride is best known for a substance that effectively “shrinks” the prostate. Everything else is secondary to that. the reason it probably effectively "blocks the conversion of T to DHT is because its a “gland” that is being shrunken, so of course its not going to be functioning up to par.
I mean we are not like the men on Meso where their T levels are way way low in many cases because they have been purposefully fucking up the hormone balance for months on end, and then “forcing” the body to rebalance itself after the cycle wears off, and in many cases its hard to get going. But mostly none of those guys suffer from all the pain and discomfort most of us suffer from. And we also often suffer for longer.

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Read this. This makes A LOT of sense!!

Again, lets not count oranges, before we count A for apples!!! I hope that makes sense…
WE ALL CAN"T DENY THE DISCOMFORT AT “THE PELVIC FLOOR”. It all stems from this! ** sxpclinic.com/prostatitis.html **

[i] ""Prostatitis is a very stubborn disease to treat. Successful treatment of this disease involves much medical knowledge. There are a lot of confusion and many theories about this illness, which often leads to mistakes being made regarding treatment and prevention. This is the main reason for the difficulty in treating prostatitis. However, inaccurate diagnosis and treatment cannot be an excuse for the so–called experts to avoid the complexity and difficulty of successfully treating prostatitis. As urologists, doctors must treat prostatitis seriously, not be afraid, and easily give up from making steady efforts to probe into prostatitis.""

 ""[Prostatitis] is a complicated syndrome, caused by many microorganisms. The main causative microorganisms are bacterial and nonbacterial factors, such as, mycoplasma, chlamydia, virus, fungi etc. The main effect is hyperemia and swelling. The prostate fluid and semen cannot move smoothly and blockages or calcification form in different locations. The blockages or calcifications stimulate and press against the surrounding nerves and blood vessels. The endotoxin produced by the causative pathogens and the blockages set off a stretch reflex, and complicated symptoms appear.""[/i]
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Anyways, I think this is the source of ALL our problems. Again, think about it, THIS SHIT SHRINKS PROSTATES. I’m sorry if I offend any of you who think otherwise.

From another website I found easily on my google search (my google search google.com/search?sourceid=n … rostatitis ).

“Using ultrasound to guide, therapy needs to be administered directly into the inflamed areas or inside any fibrous calcifications which may be present. Therapy is based on a cocktail of antibiotics with an acid pH, powerful anti-bacterial agents - because bacteria cause most prostatitis - and a strong anti-inflammatory agent like cortisone which reduces oedema in the canaliculi and acini, re-establishes the normal flow of prostatic secretions and inhibits any auto-immune process which may have been triggered. At the same time a long-lasting anaesthetic is injected into the pelvic floor to stop spasm of the elevator anus muscles.
The course of therapy I have just described is repeated three times at 3 to 10 day intervals.”

Also, scope this Harvard site: intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WS … 10576.html …although don’t use Proscar!!

Yes, some members from the old Yahoo forum have reported prostatitis symptoms and have been diagnoses with it since taking Fin.

While this may be the case for some, it does not necessarily apply to everyone. Regardless people should try the brocolli treatment to start, to see if they can eliminate such symptoms before trying other things. Really, the only way to know for sure is to be properly diagnosed by a doctor.

As for that website, some interesting info but remember, they are trying to sell a medical treatment service and as such, tailor their information in such a fashion. Just something to be aware of, one must always have a critical eye in reading anything, particularly online.

Mew, there is more than one doctor saying the same thing. Look at the doctor from Rome, it is the second link on my google search. A good way to find out would be for us to find some way to check for a list of board certified doctors in these two countries (China & Italy) and then see if these doctors are in fact two “real”, and respected doctors, i.e board certified physicians with reputations. Anyone speak Chinese or Italian? Any ideas?

Not to mention they all “ALL” say prostatitis is very VERY hard to treat and cure, and most often it is either incorrectly diagnosed, and/or incorrectly, or ineffectively, treated. It says this practically everywhere.

This is very interesting Boston, would you happen to know what sort of test determines a diagnosis of prostatitis? Also has there been any evidence that this condition lowers Testosterone?

I think that my symptoms are caused, maybe, due to a prostate problem. So, we need to check if this “prostatitis” is bacterial or not. I think that isn’t a bacterial prostatitis.

Multiple factors can exacerbate the symptoms of a prostatitis. For example:
-hemorrhoids (i have hemorrhoids and a few time ago i read that this problem increase prostatitis symptoms)

Some weeks ago i wrote that i want to try a homeopathic treatment. In two weeks i going to visit a respected homeopathic doctor in my country. After my visit i’ll write here my impressions.

i also think my symptoms are from prostatitis. i have had pain in the groin area as well as feeling sick and weak for 2yrs now. all this started with chills, chest pains and flue like symptoms. from what ive read this sounds like bacterial prostatitis.

how do we test for bacterial prostatitis? my doctor ordered a semen test, but is there any other way to test for it?

if its not bacterial ,and just cause by the shrinking of our prostate, then TRT would probably be the cure, since TRT is known to help the prostate grow. but you would probably have to take it for 6months to a year to see results.

Well, I’ve thought about taking some TRT actually.
Just to help … …regenerate some prostate, like you say… Although just not too long as to not shut down testicles for too long, or mess with your own body’s bio-rythem too much, for too long, you know.

As for the prostatitis being bacterial or non-bacterial, and how to test. Read the first link I posted above. That site seems to have a lot of valuable and legitimate information on it. I still haven’t had enough time to research most of it yet, but it sounds legitimate, and totally sounds believable/ and real. I would also like to try to find my iway into some medical school library to just read about the prostate.
So they talk about all the tests. First I think they say they check for ‘elevated white blood cell counts in urine’. They then go on with a multitude of other tests.
There is a lot on that web site actually. I want to get some advice about all this, and maybe look into some stuff here as well. Idk maybe someone closer to these locations could try easier. First, of course it would be nice to find someone in US, or close by, who can handle all this shit. But also may have to look into these docs too.
I actually tried the contact page with that Chinese doc, so lets see if I get a response.
Anyhow, from what I got out of reading about the prostate also, all different forms of prostatitis, and a lot of which is written about on that site, prostatitis can be caused by a variety of different things. When the prostate gets inflamed, irritated… injured maybe we can say (prostatitis), it can contract more symptom and be suseptible to other agents from surrounding organs and tissues… i.e. like there can be transfer with urine in the bladder, and bacteria, as well as bacteria from the rectum or digestive tract I think, and idk it makes sense. So when this organ (prostate) is not working properly, it is suseptible to other factors, and so a milder prostate “problem” (prostatitis) can turn into a much larger and more complicated one.
Anyway, I haven’t it all figured out yet, all I know is that I fit the descriptions of ‘chronic prostatitis’ to a T almost, and broccoli works for me temporarily (somebody told me effective broccoli can tell of prostate problems)… I have been moving lately, so I haven’t had the opportunity to look into it much more yet.
Also, don’t know but would assume that if prostate is not working properly, blood restrictions are present, and then on top of that some hormones aren’t working properly, and all this goes between the nuts, which idk at least for me ‘feels weird’, I think T could definately be connected.

I found prostatitis.org/index.html
it looks like more good information.
Actually seems to reconfirm much of what the other sites were saying.

Anyway, I found some good stuff on the broccoli treatment. Says it can be a cure!! Read prostatitis.org/broccindex.html

Also, what led me to this page. Disheartening, but worth a try maybe, ‘Prostate Massage’. Says back in the old days this was the treatment of choice before antibiotics. ANyway, supposedly there is a how-to section, do-it yourself, and says it is safe. I will look later, but have to go to work.

Btw, sorry for the long-winded message from last night, it was very late and I was a little out of it. I will edit this when I have a chance.


CAN the prostate regenerate itself if youve already had cell death?

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Judging from this study (androgen-induced regrowth of Rat Prostate, AFTER Finasteride), it looks like regrowth may be possible… at least in an animal model (the results of which would likely translate to humans, hopefully).


It all depends on adequate T/DHT levels, as we know.

Lat night I went out for the first time in a while, and my penis was still uncomfortable (some discomfort and burning). But I had this Jamaican girl keep rubbing up on me all night. At first I was worried, but could get it up no problem. It was just the pain and discomfort of the whole thing that kept bothering me a little. And then I had to go to the bathroom about 4 times while in the club. It was the Marley’s show, Great show!! and I was with some great people, so I was trying to keep my mind off it.
Anyway, afterwards the girls came back with us, again I was worried about how things were going to react. Because my thing was burning a little down there and uncomfortable. Anyway, she wouldn’t let me fuck her yet, but we were up to just about everything else, and boy did she have some guns!! Anyway, the problem was, she was trying to give me handjob for quite a while and woudn’t work. I was hard, but couldn’t get it off.
It was also hurting as she jacked it the whole time.
Then I had the urination frequency problems even worse all night. We all parted ways about 2am, but it bothered me.
It was a little disconcerting.
I have been off P for about three months, but it was a little frustrating for me. I feel like I have enlarged prostate or something. Kept thinking about BPH… it sucks!! I want to get this prostate better. I am not worried about hormones anymore really. Its more the prostate. Then by night end when I got home, my penis felt numb. Now, the next morning it feels better, but it was hard to get out of bed, and a bit of a setback. Btw i had about 5 drinks, but who’s not gonna drink a little when they go out.

Boston you have to be careful not to let the psychological aspect of this creep in when you are with girls… just go with the flow and see how things work out. I can tell you there have been times I myself have been going great with a girl, then I thought about “what if I can’t stay hard, fucking Finasteride” and sure enough I started going limp… but those times are few and far between, as generally speaking the issues I am experiencing did not stem from a psychological problem to begin with – they are hormonal.

Anyway my point is, try and relax and not think about it. When she was rubbing up on you, and you got hard, that just goes to show that your unit still works… so let it do its thing, naturally :slight_smile:

Oh, I am trying to, but it was hurting the whole time is what I’m saying.

Actually one detail I have left out is that as of late my pain and discomfort seems to have shifted more into the shaft lately, and out of testicles. Idk, hopefully this is a good sign as maybe it is slowly moving OUT of the body but yes, my unit was hurting, although not the frustrating testicle pain I was suffering with for so long, but for the past week in shaft.

Fucked man!!
Anyway, I’m gonna try a wheatgrass treatment, and juicing greens for a while. Also, I really want to find an apartment with a jacuzzi

Thanks bro for the reply.

I also experienced bouts of this… penile shaft pain… particularly the day after ejaculation. Unsure why this is but I can say that over the past 20 months it went from being somewhat common when I came off Finasteride to now rarely occuring.

As for testicle ache, that also slowly went away. However I have had a few bouts of lower abdominal/upper thigh/prostate pain, and I occasionally still experience pain on the bottom of my right teste (at the point where the tubule from the prostate connects to the testicle itself)…

I’m sure it’s all inter-related, though over the past 4 months the painful flareups have pretty much dissappeared for me. But if it is indeed chronic Prostatitis I’m sure they will come back, unless my body has managed to fight off the infection/heal the prostate somehow.

Without a proper diagnosis by a doctor I won’t know, but when I saw a Urologist at about month 10 off, he checked and said my Prostate was normal… so not sure what the flareups could be from if this is the case.

Anyway time is a great healer and I’m sure things will settle down for you in the coming year.

Penile shaft pain!! I have this symptom too. Specially the day after ejaculation (i wrote about this lately.) I have the other symptoms too. I still think that is a prostate problem, because, when i feel without pain, i have better erections, and my mood is a lot better.

And… in relation about sexual approaches and the symptoms… Since i have this symptoms i very scary because i don’t want to have problems in the sexual act. For me is more difficult now to meet new girls, because i’m in a sad mood. And i don’t want to think about the symptoms in the sexual act.

Boston: Obviously is not the cure, but in the moments of a lot of pain take an ibuprofen or an antiinflamatory.

Btw, as far as most doctors are concerned with regard to diagnosing a prostate disorder, and then curing it. Most don’t do or test for much. It is one of the hardest things to treat and detect. Also I have heard harmful biopsies and surgeries on the prostate, or a urethral scope are all verynhorrible things they often try to do. It is a farce.
