I think this has been mentioned a number of times given its similarities to pfs. My GP referenced it as recently as 2 days ago. To me it’s simply a catch all for unexplained symptoms I believe often developed on the back of taking prescribed medication. It’s been around for years increasing in numbers. I expect there’s quite a few sufferers of the 5ari family sitting with cfs as a diagnosis without realising the cause. Below makes for grim reading but ties in perfectly with what we complain of.
I also sourced another article yesterday which showed that a cohert of cfs patients were enrolled on to a programme where very light exercise, fasting and strict food elimination diets were utilised which saw an improvement in symptoms- interstingly it was noticed that too much too quickly crashed participants. Overall one going from being bed bound to being at a self reported state of 80% better. The wider cfs community were sceptical of the programme. All very similar to what we see on here.