Chris Evans Speaks About His Propecia Side Effects

Heā€™s had his test checked too. Iā€™ve mailed virgin radio


Iā€™d be interested to see if theyā€™d respond. Might be better to contact his agent if you can find out who they are.

If Chris does end up with bigger problems then he could be a good ally for us.

Superdrug pushing the ā€œside effects disappear with cessationā€ line is a shame.

This is part of why we all need to help with our contentā€™s visibility. When that Express journalist Googled, they might not have seen any of our content. If they had, they might well have asked for a comment from us. Really, a good short term sign of success for us would be getting asked to comment on articles like this. The fact that a throwaway part of a three hour show got an article written about it says that people are interested.

You can bet,that Evansā€™ team will log his presence in the news and media and that if we had also been in the article that weā€™d have a stronger chance of getting paid attention to by him, potentially finding an ally.

If Chris ever does see this, weā€™d love to support you, but we could also really do with your support too.


Thanks @Greek if I get a response it goes without saying that Iā€™d engage the team. As youā€™ll be aware from my recent posts and your supporting comments that Iā€™ve been going through a very tough time of late but I will always help where and when I can. Getting recognition and help for all of us has always been my number 1 priority and playing a part in the wider effort is very important to me.


Certainly not a comment that was aimed at anyone in particular, especially not you who have been fantastic.

I know youā€™ve had a rough time mate, you absolutely donā€™t deserve it. Iā€™m always thinking of you.


I feel that Chris Evans would be a fantastic ally. Great find there @LazarusRy. Although Iā€™ve not listened to him for years, from what I know of him he always comes across as incredibly honest about himself, like what has been demonstrated from the article. Iā€™m sure that has also included his taking finasteride as I think heā€™s been honest about this too for years. Some great points raised by @Greek too.


@Greek my use of the English language isnā€™t as it was, I meant a comment as in a supportive one , as youve always been. Thank you mate your input/words mean a lot as ever. Cheers @Scotsman I think he could be great for us, hopefully my attempted contact wont end up in the sifted out pile.


An enthusiastic, passionate multi-millionnaire with a platform and vast press interest would indeed be nice :smiley:


Thereā€™s also an article about him having kidney problems. @Greek Iā€™ve also found an email address for him at BBC2. Iā€™ll do a brief draft at some piont next week if youā€™d like to have a look before I send it. Regards

Great, I imagine thereā€™s next to no chance that heā€™ll see that email though - heā€™s not on BBC anymore, is he?

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Shit OK the other ones are to book him as a speaker Iā€™ll see what else I can find. Draft done

I can understand completely why you guys would think heā€™s a good ally but please be careful with how you approach him

Please donā€™t not get all ā€œOne of Us! One of Us! Gooble Goble One of Us!ā€

Itā€™s a turn off


Donā€™t worry I wonā€™t but thanks for the pointer

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Hey Ryan, if Chris does reply then please feel free to connect him through to us.

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If I was Chris Evans Iā€™m not sure I would want to come off fin and risk crashing.

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@Sugarhouse thanks Mitch goes without saying

I was the same as him I developed sides while taking it. Then got much worse on cessation I expect once you show signs its unlikely they go away when one stops its still worth sounding him out and making him aware of whats potentially around the corner. I wish Iā€™d had someone looking out for me way back when. If he crashes heā€™s got the heads up and somewhere to come for support rather than feeling alone with no answers as I was many a time. If he does crash his vocality would be invaluable and heā€™d have support from us. I do get your point though thanks



Iā€™ve edited the topic title.


@Greek nice one

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Are there really some pfs sufferers, who used Finasterid without any siteeffect and than after ceassion they crashed. On the other hand - developes every pfs praedisponated symptoms allready on finistarid and crashs after stopping.
So the Chance getting off Finistarid without pfs is bigger if there are no siteeffects while Fin using.

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I would say so just guessing on what Iā€™ve seen and read on here