One to keep an eye on
I saw he also has joint problems as well sounds all to familiar, I wonder how severe his case is, it could be a lot worse then what’s described in that article.
He’s had his test checked too. I’ve mailed virgin radio
I’d be interested to see if they’d respond. Might be better to contact his agent if you can find out who they are.
If Chris does end up with bigger problems then he could be a good ally for us.
Superdrug pushing the “side effects disappear with cessation” line is a shame.
This is part of why we all need to help with our content’s visibility. When that Express journalist Googled, they might not have seen any of our content. If they had, they might well have asked for a comment from us. Really, a good short term sign of success for us would be getting asked to comment on articles like this. The fact that a throwaway part of a three hour show got an article written about it says that people are interested.
You can bet,that Evans’ team will log his presence in the news and media and that if we had also been in the article that we’d have a stronger chance of getting paid attention to by him, potentially finding an ally.
If Chris ever does see this, we’d love to support you, but we could also really do with your support too.
Thanks @Greek if I get a response it goes without saying that I’d engage the team. As you’ll be aware from my recent posts and your supporting comments that I’ve been going through a very tough time of late but I will always help where and when I can. Getting recognition and help for all of us has always been my number 1 priority and playing a part in the wider effort is very important to me.
Certainly not a comment that was aimed at anyone in particular, especially not you who have been fantastic.
I know you’ve had a rough time mate, you absolutely don’t deserve it. I’m always thinking of you.
I feel that Chris Evans would be a fantastic ally. Great find there @LazarusRy. Although I’ve not listened to him for years, from what I know of him he always comes across as incredibly honest about himself, like what has been demonstrated from the article. I’m sure that has also included his taking finasteride as I think he’s been honest about this too for years. Some great points raised by @Greek too.
@Greek my use of the English language isn’t as it was, I meant a comment as in a supportive one , as youve always been. Thank you mate your input/words mean a lot as ever. Cheers @Scotsman I think he could be great for us, hopefully my attempted contact wont end up in the sifted out pile.
An enthusiastic, passionate multi-millionnaire with a platform and vast press interest would indeed be nice
There’s also an article about him having kidney problems. @Greek I’ve also found an email address for him at BBC2. I’ll do a brief draft at some piont next week if you’d like to have a look before I send it. Regards
Great, I imagine there’s next to no chance that he’ll see that email though - he’s not on BBC anymore, is he?
Shit OK the other ones are to book him as a speaker I’ll see what else I can find. Draft done
I can understand completely why you guys would think he’s a good ally but please be careful with how you approach him
Please don’t not get all “One of Us! One of Us! Gooble Goble One of Us!”
It’s a turn off
Don’t worry I won’t but thanks for the pointer
Hey Ryan, if Chris does reply then please feel free to connect him through to us.
If I was Chris Evans I’m not sure I would want to come off fin and risk crashing.
I was the same as him I developed sides while taking it. Then got much worse on cessation I expect once you show signs its unlikely they go away when one stops its still worth sounding him out and making him aware of whats potentially around the corner. I wish I’d had someone looking out for me way back when. If he crashes he’s got the heads up and somewhere to come for support rather than feeling alone with no answers as I was many a time. If he does crash his vocality would be invaluable and he’d have support from us. I do get your point though thanks