Chiller20's hormones

hi everyone i took proscar 1/4 for 3 days…i experienced major testicular pain by the 3rd day,so i quit…2 weeks later things were starting to get back to normal…then by the 3rd week i started getting side effects like loss of libido, watery semen,and tiredness…so i took a bloodtest for free testosterone it came out 9.6 range 9.3-26…whats going on when will i get better? …also is there gonna be a lawsuite against merck in the u.s.?

Please read FAQ at top of site for more info about what “might be going on”.

What time was test taken, did you get any other bloodtests done?
What did your doctor say about results?

This looks like a spam website. What is the purpose of this link?

That depends if someone in the USA is willing and able to take action to do so. Maybe you will?


i did they said it should get better in a few weeks…it got better in week 2 then in week 3 it got bad again im currently in week 4 hoping to recover soon!

i went to an endocronoligist… and he says my t might be normal despite the fact that im 20 years old because i took my first blood test in the afternoon…so basically the endocronoligist took my blood for more tests in the morning and im currently awaiting the results… but its definitely wierd because i dont feel normal i have on and off phases of ed and mental blocks and drowsiness so i hope he finds something thatll lead to a solution… thx guys

i was feeling like shit when i took my blood test so it is my worst case scenario…i think
lately im feeling pretty much back to normal some days but then others im feeling pretty shitty its like a cycle

he said im perfectly fine heres my results

tsh- 2.27
Testosterone- 577.42
white blood cell- 4.7
red blood cell- 5.03
hemoglobin- 15.8
mean corp. volume- 91.2
mean corp. hgb- 31.3
mean corp. hgb conc.- 34.3
red distrib. width- 12.6
mean plt volume- 7.4
neutrophil%- 56.6
lymphocyte%- 30.1
monocyte-%- 11
eosinophil%- 1.8
basophil%- .5
albumin- 4.7
bilirubin total- .8
calcium- 10
chloride- 102
creatinine- 1.1
glucose- 81
alk. phosphatase- 82
potassium- 4.4
protien total- 7.4
sodium- 142
ast(sgot)- 13
urea nitrogen- 15
c02 total- 29.9
alt(sgpt)- 11
estradiol- 41
egfr african am- 102.56
egfr non-afr am- 84.76

the following labs are normal: total testosterone, electrolytes, kidney test, chemistry profile, thyroid test and complete blood count.
signed my doctor

again im 20 years old… and this is 2 months after quiting

Post the RANGES next to your results, without ranges results are useless.

i dont know the ranges it didnt state them… i thought you guys knew
arent they all standard

im gonna call them now and get it

new bloods 7 months off

T-645 r 280-800( think its still a little low for me im 21)
Free T- 14.4 r9.3-26.5 ( think this is low for me too)
PSa- 1.1 r0-4 (even though in range isnt 1.1 a little high for some1 my age?)
LH- 2.5 r 1.7-8.6
FSH- 1.3 r 1.5-12.4 (LOW)
DHT- 61 r 30-85
TSH- 1.49 r .45-4.5
estradiol-28.2 (think this is high, want to lower it to about 20-25 )
prolactin- 8.8 r4-15.2
DHEA- 1063 R 208-771 (very high)


are you still having erectile problems


Your hormones look fine.

You might want to check SHBG and BAT levels (bioavailable testosterone)

Id look into adrenals aswell if i were you.

Dont mess with anti estrogen when you are not high and almost 700 in testosterone on a scale up to 800 isent worth investigating unless your free or bioavailable testosterone comes in low.

how do i look in adrenals? saliva tests?? explain what tests i need

My endo tested for 17-hydroxyprogesterone for adrenals. Not sure what the results were, he just said they were normal.

check out my psa, isnt that a little high for a 21 year old… mybe i have some form of prostatitis?

No your psa is not high.

Besides most docs consider psa to be a useless marker.
The biggest benefit from monitoring psa is when theres a change in the value. Like if you go on trt and you go from 2 to 5 for example, that could be an indication than something worth investigating is up.