Checking in after taking finasteride 5 years ago.

Long winded story— I had very good genetics etc. but started worrying about hair loss aged 19, and to be preemptive. I took finasteride at 0.25mg-0.5 for 3 months, in my second year of university. I contracted meibomian gland disease and very dry eyes, after 3 months, quit cold turkey, and then I had severe anxiety, loss of body hair etc. Couldnt cope with anything. I had one blood test on NHS as i could see i had hypothyroidisim, but as a 19 year old in the Uk we arent clued up, so they only measured my TSH which came back at 4, so they didnt even tell me, I also specifially asked for testosterone, which was 300 and they didnt tell me that. I just assume if they dont tell me its fine. Obviously 4 TSH is red flag and 300 is massive red flag

This drug obviously can have pharma grade damage, and I was lucky /priveleged to try everything to naturally recover ( taking a year out of university), exercising, diet, supplements. But nothing worked.

It took me a long time to realise it was the finasteride, but after reading papers about meibomian gland disease specifically arising from finasteride is irrefutable proof, I cant take something for 3 months, get this diagnosed condition, so it didnt matter how insane I felt, all those nonsense medical people just can use the easy explanation (kept trying to put me on SSRIs). Now there probably are a lot of people that jump on the band wangon and as a lot o the side effects are vague people can dismiss them. I think people can get on a different homestasis and be on it. But it is pharma grade stuff that might require pharma grade things to correct.

My theory is that taking a hormone altering drug like this at a key secondary hormonal change period (young 20s) can muck up the LH cycle.

I eventually realised and had various strategies with TRT/thyroid hormones being the last resort. And after my hormones suddenly crashed further, and I got a varocecle which is probably all related I jumped on TRT and thyroid, and most issues have gone, its just a nightmare dosing it, and I am pretty much off the thyroid , so I reckon it is possible to find an equilibrium again, but dont be afraid to muck about with clomid or other things rather than suffer endlessly as your system might need a rejig.

I still have dry eyes, but not nearly as bad, so that probably prooves that it does affect the receptors permanently somehow, as even on high testosterone my eyes are not 100%, they have slight blepharitis, but very minor.

Obviously it is very shit to be on hormones at such a young age, I think taking this as you are older, you knew what you were say 28+, so know exaclty what’s changed. whereas young 20s you are developing your niche and can go down very different world lines, and the hormonal system is ready to change, to mould to a society.

I do believe in hind sight, if I went to a private doctor straight after and had a course of clomid and thyroid, and kind of cycled steroids or whatever, the system would have rebalanced itself close enough.

It will come out eventually that this drug irrefutably causes permanent side effects, mostly through hormonal signalling changes.

The problem is some of you will be conflating your normal life problems with finasteride, which I can’t disentangle either. Like most people are pretty depressed, if your blood results are coming back fine, then its probably not receptor changes or epigenetics, as theres so much of that crap happening anyway.

And with testosterone 900 is not normal, 600 is high. and you dont need a TSH of 1, below 2 is fine. Id say go with 100 T a week, which is above average.

Doctors don’t know much at all on average, and dont give a crap,it is just about somebody who can make rational decisions with google as to what protocol to choose. The sad thing is I was dismissed constantly, told I was mad, and just weak and blah, whatever, now I work at google as a deep learning engineer so people ‘have to believe me’ now, even though I was smarter back then when I was younger. Fucked up world.


I’ve been off Fin for over 3 years now and it’s remarkable how closely your journey resembles my own, I could have written your entire post editing minor specifics and it would be true to life. May I ask you a few questions, did your varicocele show up on an ultrasound and did you receive treatment for it? Did your blood results show clearly low test to justify the treatment (assuming you didn’t have the pre-fin baseline) and how long did it take to see results?

I also have a varicocele and my epididymis is enlarged, I think treatment is an operation, I’ve had 2 ultrasounds. I’ve got sky high off the chart testosterone and SHBG, my TSH has been on the low side last two times tested 0.7 and 0.9. Would a low TSH reading like mine indicate hyperthyroidism? My doctor is useless with hormones and so was the Endo I saw.

You can try the nature route to see if you can restore your T levels. I tried TRT before and it was really hard to properly dose, I was emotionally all over the place.

I have some books and courses on raising T naturally, which I haven’t had time to go thru yet. If you’re interested let me know. I can share them with you or anyone else here. I just can’t share it publicly on this forum.

I also have dry eyes but in my case that gets resolved my T is high enough, my dry eyes go away.

What do you take in terms of TRT drugs and dosages and what level of T are you aiming for?

Yes I had varicocele confirmed with ultrasound, and my testosterone cerashed even further, so I went to the NHS and was like measure me, and my T came back at 230. Most things have recovered whilst on Testosterone, like my eye thing is very minor now where before I had to use an eye bag every day.

I take about 100mg of T a week and aim for about 500-600 I think. But do have the flexibility to go higher. My SHBG is low, and sometimes I take hcg . I wouldnt go chasing the very high T thing, but it is dependent on exercise etc. as then things get messy with estrogen etc.

Testosterone is a double-edged sword— if you are on TRT your testosterone doesnt drop in the afternoon like for everyone else, so having 900 24/7 is a bit mad. I find when it was too high I couldnt control being competitive/talking about status a lot, and wasn’t really myself. but its to everyones own taste.

Low TSH is probs ok, I thik your hormones seem fine. A varicocele is not a great sign, but don’t think an operation really is necessary usually, it’s just a negative indicator. ie. it makes it more likely that body is genuinelly not healthy, but could be nothing to worry about. i dont think fixing it does anything unless its painful or altering your hormones.

@RR3 , Yes TRT is hard to dose, usually because its dosed way too high. try 100mg a week anyone reading this, that is still probably well above average on average.

Dry eyes is not normal for men. And prooves the permanent damage of finasteride.

@Biowarrior I also tried rubbing a small amt of T cream on my eye lids, I saw an article on that before it and it seemed to help, I’m not recommended and I most likely wouldn’t do that now.

But I do know when my T levels are higher my dry eyes goes away, there are some research reports on that.

This is so similar to my experience. Damn. Any successful treatments? I go in waves, just looking something that will help…

Get your T levels higher is all I can think of @Sadpenis this has been what has helped me.

This isn’t the answer, we have many people who have high testosterone who are still suffering.

And we also have numerous people who benefited from higher T levels.

Perhaps I was too definitive, sorry.

It’s worth noting that though some people have seen improvement through raising testosterone, many have not and some of the more severe cases actually have very high testosterone.

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Hi @Greek I meant for his dry eyes, looking back I don’t think @Sadpenis was talking about dry eyes.