Charles story

Ive used Melanotan I and II which are the active peptides. I’ve taken them each about 3 times. I get a really weird feeling…like I have to stretch my entire body really hard (like when you first wake up) every 2 minutes. It does not affect my libido, but 1 or 2 times outta the 6 times I got some pretty good erections…like Viagra.

so you just used for 3 days?
I think if we used them for weeks may be good results.
With me the biggest problem is I am in Canada, can not buy / experiment any thing. I have to keep asking people.

Actually I used the melanotan I for a few weeks, I stopped because it made moles and freckles darker than normal.

The MII I used just a few times, I wouldn’t look into it as anything that would really be that beneficial to us. PDE5I’s are much better and more reliable.

Well i gave it a few days just to be sure, but i now am happy to say that after the hours upon hours of research the countless visits to doctors, thousands of dollars spent on supplements, and the most miserable 10 months of my entire life that I am now on the way to recovering from propecia!!! The past two days or so have been nothing short of miraculous, and i don’t really know what to say about it all. Basically, through all my various research on the issues and my experience with propecia I had an idea that something was wrong from the begining with my sleep. I was on Propecia for three weeks and experienced all the sides everything you could almost think of but the worst of it all was my sleep, it just was like i wasn’t really sleeping anymore. Upon quiting the medication while many of the ed/libido issues cleared up, the sleep never did along with the brain fog, fatigue, weight gain, and a lot of other hormonal and physical changes. I became so mentally numb over the course of the past 10 months it wasn’t funny and everyday I woke up feeling like a bus ran over me. It just seemed like propecia messed up my sleep and then it never recovered.

So I went to various doctors thinking my hormones may be out of whack etc. There were some minor tweaks here and there, at one point they thought my thyroid could be issue, which it probably was, but none the less nothing major. I paid for a saliva test that revealed raised cortisol levels so that was probably contributing to the problem as well. The thing is though in terms of figuring out a way to recover for myself instead of just looking at testosterone being the root cause I took the symptoms I was having and tried to related them to other disorders. I came across various people who were hypoadrenal (adrenal fatigue, yes it’s very real) and hypothyroid (the two usually go together). Many of their symptoms were errily similar to many of the guys on here so I thought about supplementing with cortisol and thyroid hormone. However, I kept wondering to myself how did a guy like me go from a division 1 athlete who was in top shape, good looking, and doing well socially and in school to being an overweight, ugly, anxious mess of a person who was fatigued so fatigued mentally and physically during the day that they were barely able to function over the course of 10 months.

Basically, I came to the conclusion that sleep was one of, if not the key issue along with bringing GABA back up, and then hopefully giving the adrenals a chance to recover. Eventually at the request of my endo he refered me to a sleep specialist where I was give a sleep study three weeks ago. Upon meeting with the doctors last week the study revealed what I already knew, I wasn’t really sleeping. I was getting little to none stage 3 and absolutely none stage 4 sleep and I can assure you many of the other guys out there arent as well.

So we went over the various options of treating it and I asked about xyrem (ghb). The dr agreed to look into it, but wanted to try me out on another drug first called GABApentin. Gabapentin is basically a medication that was originally made in effort to directly mimic the chemical in the brain and used to treat epileptics, but they found that it had an impact similar to GHB on it’s affects of deep sleep. I took the drug roughly three days ago and I woke up refreshed, feeling good, and then all of the sudden as the day went on it hit me IM NOT TIRED, I CAN THINK STRAIGHT, IM NOT ANXIOUS, IM HAPPY, NO MORE BRAIN FOG AND I CAN FUNCTION AGAIN!!! I’m telling you guys sleep is key to many of the problems. Now with that said by no means am i 100% cured, however mentally i would say im 70% already after two days. I dont want to make this too long so Ill keep updating regularly but Im telling you guys out there GET A SLEEP STUDY DONE ASAP because I can almost guarantee it will show something.

Congrats on your improvements thus far.

What is the difference between what you were prescribed and GABA supplements which are readily available in any supplement store?

I haven’t done any research into GABApentin on my own, just curious if you had looked at differences between the two.

i took gabapentin for a month but nothing changed…

Mew it’s really a huge difference between regular GABA supplements and GABApentin. Basically regular GABA supplements don’t cross the blood brain barrier. When I was taking lots of them to try to sleep it seemed to help me calm down a bit and relax me slightly, but it had no effect really overall mentally or physically, and didnt improve my sleep quality. GABApentin, from what I’ve experienced, researched, and was told by my doctor, readily corsses the blood brain barrier and affects the GABA receptos like an antagonist etc, much like GHB does. However, it’s direct method of action on the brain and receptors, while similar, isn’t the same as GHB, and they’re not really sure yet exactly how it acts. When I first took it a couple nights ago I tried taking it at 9PM to see if it would directly knock me out, or more or less, what it’s effects would be overall. After about an hour or so I felt very very calm and relaxed and my body also seemed to let go and all muscles became extremely loose and relaxed as well. In essence many times over the past months my muscles have felt so tight and cramped that I was craving a massage almost daily etc.

Now I’ve never tried GHB or any sort of hypnotic club drug, but I would guess that this acts in a similar manner. For the next three hours or so I was very relaxed, care-free, loose, happy, and also got an extreme amount of pleasure when I would touch something etc. It seemed like for the first time in months I was relaxed, my body was at ease and shutting down, and I could have gone to sleep at any time I sort of wanted to even though the drug didn’t directly knock me out. When I finally got to sleep at around 12AM, I fell asleep within 10-15 minutes without a problem, and although I was tired when I awoke the next morning, as most people are, it wasn’t like how it used to be where I felt like a truck ran over me. As the day went on instead of being constantly fatigued and tired it surprised me that around 9AM in my class I WOKE UP, it was like my bain turned on, like how it used to be. I noticed no fatigue throughout the day except around 5PM or so I got slighlty tired but not extreme how it used to be. Overall though my body seemed to wake up, my metabolism increased, and I was hungry again. At one point during the day I literally felt my thyroid gland in my neck start shuttering probably due to the huge increase in thyroid hormone.

Now in terms of GABApentin, I’m having a lot of success with it, but I still want to try xyrem as I feel it’s a better option for us or me anyway. GABApentin has some side effects that Im quite concerned with such as weight gain and joint swelling. Xyrem probably will work in a similar manner but since it is readily passed through the body and a naturally occuring substance there are less sides effects, and it also offers a better quality of sleep with an increase of GH release. Also the dopamine rebound effect i was hearing about that comes with these drugs is nothing to be taken lightly. Due to my brain being rushed with a huge surge of dopamine and it forgetting how to properly process and regulate it throughout the past 10 months etc At times I’m jittery and get some mild headaches throughout the day. However, the increase in mood and energy is well worth dealing with the rebound effect while my body adjusts compared to the propecia hell.

way if you’re talking in terms of sexual improvement or libido i cant answer for sure whether taking GABApentin or GHB etc will do anything for it cause my libido problems are a lot less severe than other guys on here, and i don’t really see any change in it as of now. In terms of the mental and fatigue problems though I can vouch that the stuff really has helped. What doseage were you on? My doctor did tell me that the stuff varies in doseage from person to person where it might take only 300mg to work for someone like me to up to 1500mg to work for others.

I am glad things are looking better for you.

What you’re saying rings true to me. There is a big difference in how I feel on days that I get enough sleep and those that I don’t. I’ve never slept much but maybe now I’m going to have to try.

jake yea throughout the hell that this has been I knew and always knew that sleep was a key issue to all of this. anyway, now that i have some energy and can think straight again im going to work on why trying to figure out why this is happening and hypothosize a way to get myself back on track.

Congratulations on your improvement. I’m happy to read about this. Recovery stories are giving me a lot of positive energy and thoughts.

PS: …recovery? It-happens :slight_smile:

I’m a few days now on GABApentin I feel it is really helping me. thing is it is a very strong medication where the direct method of action is not known and while it has helped tremendously there are some sides im dealing with so I am going to try to get on xyrem when i sit down with my doctor next week. Basically, from my experience gabapentin stays in your system for awhile and some of the sides i’ve dealt with all be it minor are my ankles swelling, some minor pains in my fingers upon taking the medication, and possibbily hair loss although im not sure yet. i feel xyrem is a better option as it enters and leaves one’s system very quickly and also despite what you may hear is pretty safe and side effect free. I’ve researched people that have had some strange reactions to ghb however, there doesnt seem to be any potential where anyone’s side effects were long term.

Another thing is as the dopamine rush is subsiding and the mental fog is clearing I’m starting to get rather depressed about the whole situation. i feel this is a sort of double edged good/bad thing because while i was upset the whole 10 months of the propecia ordeal i didn’t cry or get that upset once, i was just sort of numb without any emotion. I didnt care whether I lived or died really, and I literally couldnt even bring myself to cry about it all, i tried to a few times and literally couldnt. Now I’m starting to think about the process of getting back to 100% and missing out on my life etc etc, what i’ve done to myself, but it may actually be theraputic in a way.

Also now that I have the energy too I am working on posting a theory to what i feel is going on with all of us based on my research, my own experiences plus the other various one’s from everyone on here, and just some general theories that i can only hypothosize and cant fully back up but it will tie together. anyway i just also want to thank everyone on here for their input and all over this period. I have really gone through hell and without this site I don’t know if i would still be here at this point.

i was on 500 mg :wink:

well scratch the entirely on my way to recovery from propecia deal just yet cause all of the sudden it looks like, although not confirmed medically yet, that i could have prostatis pretty badly too. Im going to try to get into a eurologist asap tomorrow but if i cant within the next few days i may have to literally go to the hospital. that’s how constant and unbearable the pain is. i cant sit down for more than a few minutes.

on a more positive note I really feel that I am starting to get back 100% mentally from this stuff so that’s a huge plus. I remember when I was at my lowest over the past few months and i tried to cry and literally couldnt, i tried to but my mind was just so numb to everything. I think as the dopamine is rushing back and all Im starting to get very emotional again extreme highs and lows etc. I was playing my guitar tonight and literally played for about 6 hours straight, no joke. it was the first time in a long time i could remember the music really affecting me in a pleasureable manner. At one point I made a little sad riff and the overwhelming feeling of it brought me to tears. I started really reflecting on life and the things I wanted etc like I used to and the rush of caring about things has just come back so quickly it’s hard to deal with. I view this as a good thing though cause music used to have a very powerful impact on me before all this happened and it stopped to when this stuff was all going on, and now its starting to again. I even was talking to a friend of mine tonight and was starting to lead the conversation and crack jokes again communicating like I used to. For this I am very thankful for. However, with that said I truely do need to get this prostatis problem addressed asap, and also get on xyrem after i meet with my neuro on thursday.

ithappens did you try the Xyrem yet. If so, has it been better then the Gabapentin. I realized I have the same problems as you. I started taking Propecia 6 years ago that is about when my sleep/mental problems started. I never put the 2 together. I can’t wait to hear which worker better for you and to make an appointement with my doctor.

joe I feel that the gabapentin was working fairly well for about a week. I was sleeping only maybe 6 hours a night, but felt like the sleep I was getting was a lot deeper, and I was a lot happier and content and able to get through the day. The thing is as the week went on my tolerance quickly built up to it, and it had some unwanted side effects such as swelling of extremities etc. I just felt the stuff was too rough on the body and my results started to slip away on it so I discontinued use. I will say the first couple of days I was on it though I felt relatively normal and all be it more content and mentally better.

As for Xyrem i won’t know officially if the doctor will prescribe it until friday as he has to consult with a therapist he sent me to, but he pretty much told me today that was the plan etc. So hopefully I should have it sometime next week if everything goes well. I’m hoping this is the key to getting back some quality of life and helping me to recover. However, the thing is Xyrem is basically a weaker diluted form of GHB, and is far less potent and powerfull so whether it works or not is a big question. Anyway, as I’ve been saying all along most guys with long term sides here have shitty sleep and wake up feeling like a truck ran them over so I’m hoping that this will get me the deep sleep I need to recover. I’ll keep everyone updated.

I feel sleep problems cause all the other problems. I haven’t slept thought the night in 6 years now and never thought it was the propecia. I wake up at least 10 times a night and I know I never achieve a deep sleep and rearly dream. I am going to look into these drugs and will keep everybody updated.

Thanks again.

ithappens, have a read of this article connecting GABA to sleep issues… no surprises there. … p-problems

"Specifically, GABA deficiencies interfere with the most important stage of sleep – the “deep” delta sleep that usually begins within 45 minutes after bedtime. Studies show that people with depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders are usually deficient in delta sleep, says Doghramji, speaking at the American Medical Association’s annual Science Reporters Conference. "

Also check out these links/abstracts: