Changing Political Environment

I have been living in DC for the past two years to build a network and take care of health care stuff. I can’t say too much, especially since I don’t know who is monitoring this message board, but I do see a path to finally shake things up and take care of this.

I know this is horrible but with AI and the current state of politics, there is hope for real change in the no longer distant future so if anybody is feeling suicidal I want them to send me a DM here ASAP.

We lost Kelsey late last year which was devastating because it felt so unnecessary. I hadn’t spoken with him in a long time and maybe he just lost hope but it is now within sight. The two corrupt and/or weak FDA officials who signed off on the Citizen Petition left the FDA very recently and with RFK likely to get involved, I expect a lot of skeletons are going to be brought to light.

Ten years ago, RFK was seen as a total lunatic, and now he’s potentially going to be overseeing the entire public health care organization. Change is coming.


Very good post @Frustrated I share your view re RFK let’s hope he follows through… whatever you are doing sounds very interesting too.

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Unfortunately RFKJ seems like the type who gets his health info from Youtube podcasts. He may give a nod to PFS and then presume a mechanism that can be addressed with whatever the term “healthy lifestyle” means to someone who guzzles steroids.

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I think RFK already has Merck sued…

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The vote you quote was to advance RFK Jr out of committee. The final vote by full senate is not yet scheduled.

His confirmation depends on several GOP senators whose vote is not a given. Stay tuned… Jim

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TBD but I think it seems likely that he’ll make it with some pre-negotiated compromises to keep him in check.

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RFK Jr. passed final vote before confirmation vote, which should take place late Wednesday or Thursday. Stay tuned. Jim

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was confirmed as the next Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Thursday morning.

Kennedy was confirmed by the Senate in a full floor vote.

Big Pharma and their paid for Senators fought hard against him. Wonder why? Jim

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Its great news Let’s hope he delivers…

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whats the citizen petition and why is it relevant to us?

but ya agree hopefully RFK can shake things up for us and accelerate everything

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RFK said first thing he wants to work on is get the corruption out of the FDA, this is very exciting. Maybe we can sue Merck again or they can put some of these CEOs in prison.


Whats the first thing this Administration axed?

The “citizens protection” bureau…wake up

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Oh excuse me Consumer Financial Protection

If anything is done about this it’s not gonna be done by your government

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yeah if they manage to downsize these agencies and get rid of regs it will be amazing

RFK, Jr. is going after big Pharma. His first major announcement on “X” today:

"President Trump signed an executive order to establish the MAHA (Make America Healthy Again) Commission to study what has caused the precipitous decline in American health over the past two generations.

Some of the possible factors we will investigate were formerly taboo or insufficiently scrutinized: a childhood vaccine schedule, electromagnetic radiation, glyphosate, other pesticides, ultra-processed foods, artificial food additives, SSRIs and other psychiatric drugs, PFAs, PFOAs, microplastics—nothing is going to be off limits.”

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I’m not super confident that he’s going to get the job done but I do think that he will raise a lot of good (and some bad) questions about the way we do things. If he doesn’t get it done, then other people will eventually but there is a big awakening and disruption that’s happening. Unfortunately we got buried early on.