Anyone notice a skull shape change? I think the back of my head is flatter than it was pre-pfs. Maybe the brain has changed and this explains the brain fog symptoms, maybe PFS as a whole?
Mine has changed too, with the loss of collagen, subcontaneous fat I can even see the join of the cranial plates across the top of my skull, the back has concaved on the right side like it’s been hit with a pan and there’s a noticeable drop between the base and the top of the neck but I think the loss of size/girth of the neck is more the reason for the latter. On a positive in brief windows all of this has refilled. So it is reversible. Keep hope mate. We can get back to our former selves.
If I keep going like this, I’ll soon be able to sell myself as a fat harem eunuch with a shrunken head.
Yes, and the tendons are also more prominent, like in hands, neck, etc…
Well, I brought this up because that’s something that tends to happen as you get older, like 70+ years old, the back of head comes in and the front forehead gets bigger. This is a result of changes in the brain. Makes me wonder if Finasteride triggered something prematurely, like an epigenetic signal in our brain, due to the sudden drop in androgens.
Randy Santman had hippocampal atrophy on autopsy…
Is this documented? How old? Wouldn’t this show up on an MRI for all of us?
Yes it’s documented…they had a brain bank in Texas setup but nobody wants to talk about it anymore…they said it had not been maintained by the foundation…They had 2 pfs patients brains that committed suicide and I would think it would be better evidence for a lawsuit than all thus mumbo jumbo genetic stuff that is novel and nobody understands…I’ve posted about it before it was back in 2015 best I remember…
New studies are better evidence and the only way to find the cure. Hippocampus atrophy is not an evidence for medical field , people with major depressive disorder can have that hippocampus atrophy. Medics and pharmacy industry are expert at gaslighting, dont forget it. We need to slap their faces with strong evidences
This would also explain why people with PFS spend so much time dwelling on the past, and remember many small details from the past. The part of my brain that was enlarged when I had PFS (occipital region) is also the part of the brain responsible for memory recollection.
And the way the brain works, every time you come back to this forum or even think about PFS this part of the brain comes back. Its been trained to double down on this state and the repetitive behaviors of your day-to-day life could also bring it back.
But yes, the entire head shape has changed drastically having a PFS relapse vs not. The entire skull feels fucked up compared to not having it. The parietal lobe feels especially small (part of the brain responsible for senses, emotions)
My skull shape in a PFS state vs in a non-PFS state. You can see what I meant by the parietal bone being more forward and the occipital bone sticking out. The frontal area looks enlarged but it’s hard to say if that’s a result of the frontal lobe being bigger or the parietal bone being more toward.
So yes, it cannot be denied that there is a huge psychological pathology behind PFS. Every time you think about PFS, come on this forum, worry about symptoms, etc. you are training your brain to stay in this state. PFS went away for me around the time I stopped thinking about it. Women are interested now, I’ve been able to jerk off many times, skin looks a bit better. I do believe this is a psychological condition, and that’s after having it for 3 or 4 years now.
If other people want to post their skull shape to see if it matches this then go ahead.