Cgj1's Member Story

There is some disagreement on which T3 method is the best. Many sources suggest newer formulations of T3 aren’t as effective unless they are crushed and that time release formulas are inadequate. I’m not suggesting anything here except to do your research - multiple times - before trying any treatment. There are some dedicated groups on the internet based around T3 supplementation in add to the Wilson sites:

This site is run by a dedicated group of thyroid patients:

…and the thyroid section of this site:

This is a non-profit’s site started by the yahoo thyroid forum key members (Endocrine Awareness):

Stop The Thyroid Madness:

These sites have information about base thyroid function along with treatment protocols including Wilson’s variants.

What do people generally consider to be high RT3 around here? Anywhere around the top of the range? Just over the range? Or are we talking exceptionally over the range? Thanks.

I was over the top. But its the ratio that matters most if I remember, and my ratio was really bad too. I can try to dig up the results I forget if I posted them if I can find them I will post it.

Hey cgj1, did you ween off when you were finishing your cycles?

It’s the ratios that are important. Have a look through this site:

Yeah, my Free T3 to RT3 ratio is 8.2…well below the commonly advertised ideal ratio of 20. Most docs have said that my thyroid function is normal, or just borderline, or subclinical hypo, etc., etc. Absolutely no consensus or clear action plan.

I’ve tried Armour before and it didn’t improve anything (although temps escalated). And have been offered T3 along with a cocktail of other hormones before, but declined it at the time. This is why WTS is interesting and I’m exploring the concept, reading the books.

It was the same with me my GP said it was normal my T3 was only slightly low. But you must realize most docs don’t understand the importance of RT3, most of them don’t even think its a necessary test. You need to go to a specialist like a anti-aging doc or self diagnoise yourself with this thing pretty much.

No I did not.

Were your testicles significantly shrunken from the finasteride use?

Hi and congrats on your recovery. That is pretty phenomenal news!

Question- did you ever have your prostate checked? You mention that your theory is that it shrunk, but can’t that be checked quite easily? I’m just wondering if you ever had a prostate exam and if so, what the results were. (I’ve been checked and reported all normal).

My skin is very soft and easily bruised, especially in my penis. My penis does bleed from under side.

I have doubts about this story. on one hand claim about recovery and on the same time PCT? does not make sense. Sorry for my thoughts.

Can you elaborate on what symptoms you have had relief from in your recovery? I’m especially interested in whether you have an increase in sensitivity in your penis.

Hey Cgj1, do you think you could give us all an update on how you are doing? Are you 100% in all areas? What are you currently taking?

Not as good as I hoped. Despite this I feel Im getting better in stages every time I come off everything.

Clomid at 12.5mg per day caused a spike in SHGB because my metabolic rate wasn’t high enough yet (hypothesis). I felt normal until this happened, then upon cessation of clomid, my body reverted back to its old state again.

The higher your metabolic rate, the more sensitive you are to testosterone and less sensitive to estrogen/SHGB spikes (based on my understanding).

So Im back on t3/t4 and will get my metabolic rate higher and then try 6.25mg of clomid per day and report back again.

The issue is will an even higher metabolic rate with low dose clomid, restart my hormone levels? We shall see.


Everything for about a month. Clomid actually works when your metabolic rate is higher (for me anyway) ie my prostate grew, testicles hung and androgen’s started firing. I dont know if external DHT would help here. Thoughts?

What’s your source for this?

But during this recovery period you were 100% correct? It’d be great to get people who are having these 100% recovery periods get a full blood work so that we can see what is changing. Did you experience another crash or just slowly go downhill again?

cgj1 why do you make bogus claims of recovery when you know it is not even a cure. you are on clomid, many have done this before with failure. There is nothing new in it.

Hey Cgj1, I wanted to mention that maybe you should hold off on the clomid. If you were doing great, than let your body rest and stabilize before you take something else (although I would advise against taking something if you feel 100% either way).