Celexa and how I'm becoming addicted to it

Hi there,
I’m new here but not new on such forums. I just need to share my story.
I’m 19, living in California. from childhood, I have rare but severe panic attacks. my therapists prescribed me Celexa and my parents made me follow the schedule strictly. I was a little boy and did not understand what it was and just did what they said. These pills really helped me as they relieved my depression symptoms. I never had a panic attack if I took the pills regularly. Everything was great until one day when I hurt myself after some buildings at school. My classmates didnt like me as I avoid them, trying to stay calm. I dont like big companies and dont like to party. They call me a weirdo. Sorry, but I dont want to remember and retell how they made me cry and feel like I’m nothing. I was so low…
I knew that I become addictive and now I am highly irritative when I without antidepressants. I read on Addiction Resource that prescription pills cause addiction. How that can be??? I use them by the doctor’s order. Why he treated me improperly??? I didn’t aim to become an addict. But I am now, I guess.
Now I need to take Zoloft, but I full of doubts. I’m frustrated, is it what I need? I dont know what is going on in my head, I dont know what to and who I should listen to…

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Hi EllenShoo,

I am sorry, you are going though this!

Could you please explain why you think that you are addicted. What exactly are your Symptoms, when you go without your anti.depressant? Have you talked with your Doc about this? Your drug is notorious in the sense that it is hard to get off it. You need to taper off it and not quit cold turkey.

You may suffer from some form of antidepressant discontinuation syndrome which is different from the persistent side effects that we discuss here. But it is hard to tell without more detail.

Hello Ellen.

Misinformation passed onto doctors and patients about the supposed safety of prescription drugs has caused unfathomable damage.

We all wish you luck in finding some way to quit Celexa and it is good to hear there are support forums for those who wish to stop.

Even so, this forum is meant for those who suffer persistent side-effects despite quitting the drug or substance in question. For this reason, your post is being locked.

You are more than welcome to post here again if you suffer continued side-effects after you quit Celexa.