Cdnuts' sexual side effects

Hi everyone,

I’ve been a long time lurker ever since I got off propecia in February 2014 with little to no improvement in terms of sexual side effects. I’m just now attempting the Cdnuts protocol after realizing time will not heal any of my problems and I’m curious as to what sexual side effects cdnuts experienced? My main concern is the numbness of my penis which is the most persistent of my symptoms. someone in his “I’m recovered” thread asked him if he ever had numbness in his penis and that’s about the only question he didn’t answer.

Also by numbness I mean that I feel very little when touching the glans or top part of the penis, while the underside has certain areas that still have feeling. This is the same when erect or flaccid, although erections are at about 50%.

Thanks for any input.

Exact same thing here. I actually lose erections with a blow job.

Don’t know about cdnuts, but I know sexual sides (including libido and numbness) is what seem to take the most time to resolve … hopefully it will, some day.

Exact same here and same about losing erections if I get a blowjob. I have to try to stimulate myself and it’s annoying, because I feel like it makes the person giving it feel like they’re doing a bad job. PFS is a bitch.

ive read about people saying the penis numbness is reversible. dont judge anything until you are actually cured. it’s a waste of time panicking. you will not know ANYTHING until you are fully better, and pretty much people make full recoveries and everything gets better, so you will most likely be all right.