Candida thread locked??


Are you mods serious??

How are we to move forward when you go and lock threads that you don’t agree with. This sh*t frustrates me no end.

I bought the whole candida thing to start. I failed the spit test, all of the symptoms, and then did the stool test and there was nothing, not even the recommended amounts of fungi.

There are other forums for this approach but I think that only for a small group of people, mostly women with vaginal infections that won’t go away, there is only snake oil to be sold. If you think it’s something with you why don’t you put it in your member story? The problem with candida is that it affects a very small subset and more people think they have it than they do with the spit test. The symptom list literally applies to a thousand other illnesses and it’s intangible.

I was absolutely convinced I had it for about 3 months. Did the tests, did the treatment, had an adverse reaction. PFS is not candida. Has anyone here been tested positive beside the ridiculous spit test or gotten better from candida treatment?

The main beef I have is that just because it didn’t work for a handfull of people, then the idea is shot down straight away.

Surely those who have had this PFS for years, realize that there is no silver bullet cure. It’s most likely a mixture of a few things that have gone wrong in our body. This includes infection of the digestive system and especially the prostate. We’ve got guys with shotty liver function, constant complaints of bad digestion, bloating and prostatitis. And yet we can’t even keep an open thread to DISCUSS the possibility of candida playing a role in some of our problems.

It really is poor form.

If you research on the net, you will find how many men get relief from prostatitis by getting rid of candida. You’ll also see that brain fog is a main symptom of candida overgrowth. I’m not saying this is everyone’s problem, but you’d be crazy not to look into it and take it seriously.

And as for all the snake oil comments…puuuuuulease. Is that your answer to everything that’s not western medicine? I’ll say it again, the latest in cutting edge western medicine is incorporating natural, chinese and homeopathic medicine into their practices because it WORKS. You guys who claim it’s all snake oil are being severlely misled and probably listening too much to big pharma companies - the very people who got us into this mess.

So. Where are we with this PFS? Is there a cure? No. Does western medicine have a cure? No. Does natural medicine have a cure? No. But why wouldn’t we explore every avenue instead of writing anything off that’s a little outside the box? If it didn’t work for you, then fine, but who’s to say you even did it properly and even if you did, is that reason to lock an entire thread down on the subject? What about the outher few hundred guys out there who may in fact have a candida issue?

Here’s an interesting read about a guy who suffered with prostatitis for 15 years and spent over $20 000 trying to get better (sound familiar?) and he recovered by doing an anti-candida diet. And shock, horror, he wasn’t even trying to sell anything!!! Surely this can’t be true. :astonished:

So you see, if you just think outside the box a bit, you might find that we don’t really know everything and it pays to keep an open mind.

I’ve just ordered some threelac and I’m going to give it a shot. It’s cheap and the chances of it hurting me are slim. My reasons are that I failed the spit test. I also failed a candida questionare that is meant to be more accurate than a spit test and I agree. But most of all, im going to try threelac because I have all the symptoms of candida and IMO i’d be a fool not to try it and see what happens.

Also I did an anti-candida diet for 2 months a few years ago and part of the routine involved a colonic irrigation session. I had this colonic done and the next day I felt AMAZING. My mind was chrystal clear, I had energy to burn and even though my testosterone levels were in the gutter, my libido was the highest it’s been in my life.

So with that little experience, im pretty keen to give the threelac a good nudge and just see what happens. One thing is for sure, I definately pushed somthing in the right direction that day I had the colonic done. My d*ck was hard as a rock, my heart was thumping out of my chest I was so horny. But hey don’t listen to me, im just a crazy person, what with all my talk of alternative medicine and so forth… :astonished:

From the thread you mentioned. If you notice he is pushing something, “The Body Ecology Diet”. I bought the same fucking book and did the same diet for months. I already thought outside of the box. I still keep to many parts of this diet, I drink lots of Kefir, even made my own with the grains. Ate a lot of Kim Chi too and still do when I can. The rest of it I followed exactly for months, took apple cider vinegar religiously, ate lots of sea salt, etc. and I still follow pretty closely. I also took loads of probiotics. Good luck with threelac. I don’t think this is a bad health choice, in fact I support it. But I’ve been doing something similar for well over a year (it’s quite similar to paleo), and I haven’t found it a cure.

Some people have true infections and benefit greatly from focusing solely on intestinal health. I just don’t think this is all of our issue. I failed the questionnaire too, as will millions of people that don’t have a candida infection.

Didn’t you do colonic irrigation sessions and have a great response after the first one but then the second tapered off then you got no response? Forgive me if it was another member on the forum, but someone has had that experience. I’ve had the same total recovery experience after smoking weed not to mention after being sick. I fail the candida questionnaire and spit test. Does that mean weed is killing the candida? When you do a colonic you destroy a lot of bacteria in your body which stops your body from drawing energy holding them in check with immune response. That could be the entire reason for your boost, a reduction of load on the immune system.

The reason candida treatment was shot down is that it doesn’t make sense for PFS sufferers along with it not being a cure. I’m not saying it’s not a positive dietary step and healthy alternative way to live, but our problem does not originate with candida.

How do you know that they aren’t just eating something they are allergic to (like celiacs) and stop eating this by switching to an anti candida diet? Candida overgrowth is nasty, you can sense it in a person. Ever had a girlfriend with a serious yeast infection? I did. They crave sugar all the time, they eat a bunch, go crazy for 5 minutes, then they just fall down and sleep after the yeast turns the sugar to poisons and alcohol.

If you think that I in any way support western medicine fuck off. I’ve railed against doctors and Pharma here often. I’m simply stating that the questionairre and spit test you refer to are not accurate ways to diagnose candida. They may tell you that you have problems with your digestion as do many people because of poor diets. Diets can be corrected and people feel better. You may feel better after following the Body Ecology diet. But having a poor diet and digestion problems does not equate to candida nor does PFS. And simply taking threelac without even reading the book about the diet is silly because probiotics can’t work without the proper base to hold them per the fucking book. If you were really serious about this rather than taking more miracle pills you would get the book, you would have stayed on the anti-candida diet that you tried for a couple months 2 YEARS AGO, and you would have results to report here now. Which I’m betting will be about the same as mine, it helps but it doesn’t cure PFS.

BTW a colonic is much more likely to dislodge bacteria than candida from your system. candida is a mutated yeast that grows in and through the intestinal walls, bacteria attaches itself to the intestinal walls.

I didn’t lock it obviously but can tell you the candida discussion has morphed into a healthy and paleo diet or raw diet discussion which are very similar to the Body Ecology Diet.

Have you guys tested your intestinal inflammatory markers? From what I understand also its important to be adamant when being on the candida diet as well. It probably wont take 3 months to get over it, i’ll take a a much much longer time.

It takes about 30 days for the initial candida die off and majority of symptoms to abate and a lot longer to recondition the digestive system with a healthy diet (more like a year here). So you see benefits in a month. The key is not to have sugar that they feed off, if they don’t have food they die in a month.

The candida diet alone, seems painful :p. I believe there was someone who posted here a long time ago, and he said it was a candida and leaky gut that caused our condition. I’d look for the thread, but i’m way to lazy. My question would be how would candida actually come about or be caused from by propecia…


Page 2 halfway down.

Why is this still a question of discussion? Pharmaceuticals upset the fora in the gut. Upset flora means weak balance which allows foreign invaders to easily take hold.

Many pharmaceuticals, not just fin, upset the digestive tract and cause ulcers. This is all makes prime conditions for invaders like yeast that mutate into candida.

The diet isn’t that hard. If you think you have it buy the book and do the diet. Then come back and post that it helped you some but didn’t cure PFS, which is what will happen.

I’m not sure what youre getting at on youre last 2 sentences, I was partially kidding when I said the diet is hard. But you really cant eat much of anything, at least I wouldnt want to because I dont eat a whole lot of stuff. I’m pretty picky, and veggies arent something I eat a lot of.

Everyone’s got their own reasons for trying to get rid of candida to help their situation. I was on course after course of antiboitics for gut dysbosis before my problems started and I just wonder if it’s got somthing to do with it. Also the colonic hydrotherapy I had done gave me the most libido ive ever had and thats with low testosterone. There just might be somthing in it.

Also I’m getting PM’s from members of this forum who have had improvements from getting rid of candida but are too scared to post it on the forum for a fear of getting into trouble from the mods. It’s really not acceptable on a forum like this where we are supposed to be putting our heads together and help each other. Especially when it’s clear we’re not trying to sell anything.

I’m on day 5 of Threelac now and started getting die-off symptoms yesterday.

What happened to the zinc cure J89?

Ever get the feeling you’re kidding yourself?

What “zinc cure”? So I tried zinc and explored every avenue of why I should try it? So what?

Do you think I should sit on my hands instead?

If you think that not trying to get rid of candida is a good idea, when Ive failed all the tests for it, and have a history of high antibiotic use then Im sorry but YOUR KIDDING YOURSELF.

I swear some people on these forums don’t WANT to get better.

Someone on these forums mentioned that their urine has a film on the top of it, I cant remember who it was but:

Since taking Finasteride, my sperm has been watery and has had these little fluffy type things in it, they look like little feathers but they look like fungus to me.

Another reason why Im trying to get rid of candida. How can my prostate and sexual fucntion be good if this is in my sperm. I suspect I have a systemic candida infection including the prostate and probably the inside of my penis.

Regardless of whether or not this cures my “PFS”, it will surely help me feel better at the least and there’s also that small chance (as with trialling zinc) that it may cure me altoghether. Who knows. Im not holding my breath but its worth a shot.

Plus, youve gotta be positive about these things or you wont stick it out and then you will never know. Its no good just saying ahhhh screw it, nothing will work.

This is exactly what the stuff looks like that is in my sperm and is therefore in my prostate:

wow… if that is really in your sperm then its quite evident. I’m assuming you are having prostatiatis symptoms then?

Toad, I get some white stuff that comes out when I pee if I’ve been sitting down for a long time, like on a flight or somthing, and the tip of my penis is always painfull if I touch it, which inidicates prostatitis.

But I dont get the burning pain that some other guys get.

You asked before how this could come about from Finasteride? I’d say I already had it in my system and it’s just gotten out of control with the antibiotic use while on Finasteride. Combine that with the fact that I never actually ejaculated while on Fin, so perhaps this allowed the candida to fester in my prostate for months?

This is just guessing but it makes sense. Not ejaculating for months on end cannot be good for anyone.

And the disclaimer: I dont claim this is THE cure for anyone, rather it might be what is wrong with me.

I’ve been on threelac for about a week now and I’ve definately noticed my sleep has gotten better. Instead of going to sleep at 1am every night, I’m asleep at 10pm and dead tired (but in a good way).

Also I’m having periods during the week where I feel more switched on mentally and can think clearer. Also my vision seems to be more “crisp” and I have more energy.