Can you recover from three weeks of this poison?

yes I have had that reaction to…I have also had massive upswings following massive alochol intake with a baseline improvement in all areas. This has happened days following 3 different benders I cannot ignore the correlation. In fact, there was a period of about 3 months that I wasnt drinking (excessively) and I actually felt zero improvement. I have noticed that a lot of people who have improved or near improvement seemed to be big drinkers.

Lennon, get wasted with me… … 0170a.html

I’m not sure if it’s possible for me to get shit-faced anymore.

My first major symptom from Fin was defective neurotransmitters, which included the inability to experience pleasure from food and feel ‘drunk’ from alcohol.

After I crashed, I tried a couple of times to take the edge off things with booze, but all it did was relax my muscles slightly and mess with my newly acquired tinnitus.

Now it’s just another product that no longer has an effect. :cry:

This is yet another Texas Sharp Shooter Fallacy. There are posters people here who have had no improvements after drinking and even a “recovery” after cutting back on the drinking.

The scienitsts have postulated why there are low allopregnenolone levels in PFS patients and it has nothing to do with a “progesterone/estrogen imbalance.” As always, playing armchair scientist is a complete waste of time. We’ve wasted well over a decade discussing nonsense theories. We now have teams of scientists on two different continents working on the problem. The best you can do is raise awareness because your repeated theorizing has gotten us nowhere.

Actually that’s not true and that’s not what studies involving finasteride yield, but I don’t want to waste time with you anymore. I am probably one of the most diplomatic people and smartest people on this forum and you really offer nothing. Good luck

No study on the Post Finasteride Syndrome has been published yet. If you are as smart as you think you are, try to make your contributions to this community productive and valuable.

Instead of being just another glib lawyer with cheap shoes, who is still reeling from long ago lost sibling rivalry battles; why don’t you put your purported hobnob (doctor brother and doctor work colleagues) contacts to good use and affect some real change around here, like the person you are trying to impress has, repeatedly.

Noteworthit- yes cupcake, I am making a substantial proposal to the PFS foundation which I have discussed with Mew. However it is ok to theorize and analyze symptomology, clinical findings, and potential treatments. People have actually gotten better and have 1) dropped off this forum or 2) reported substantial improvements in their condition nearing a subjective 95% better. I have drastically improved myself.

Btw-u know a great deal about me and I am impressed!

Well, that is just from a cursory reading. Imagine how much repressed anger I could lift from your mammary glands, if you switched therapists? You can theorize all you want, as far as I am concerned. Just hold back from trying to prove your manhood with others who have repeatedly displayed their cojones. Last time you were riffing on how smart you are, you were getting your nouns and verbs mixed up.

notworthit- This has nothing to do with trying to prove something, I am passionate about this because I feel this is where the problem lies. I dont take pride in being right, I could care less and I am always the first to say that I am wrong, I really have no problem with that.

Furthermore, here is a 2013 study regarding the effects of Finasteride and continued sexual dysfunction from Tulane University. Take a look at what is written under Expert Opinion…“Inhibition of 5ARI additionally influences progesterone and deoxycorticosterone levels and may alter psychological functions, including increased depression, melancholy and loss of general well being” … 013.742885

Got some new bloodwork in yesterday…

Bio T is 210 ng/dl
Free T 92.2 pg/dl
Total T increased to 657 ng/dl (This was 528 last month)
SHBG 32 ng/dl
Estradiol 26 ng/dl

LH 5.3 pg/dl
FSH 1.7 pg/dl

It looks like my Total T is beginning to normalize for a typical 29 yr old. My T/E ratio is 26 which probably explains my continual morning erections. Try to see if I can get my Bio T back up.

I’ve seen some improvements in the past three weeks. My ejacs are continuing to stay white. This used to be off and in but it is now consistent. My ejacs are becoming more pleasureable. My brain fog has lessened. My creativity has increased. Bone twitches and muscles twitched are gone. Don’t feel constantly fatigued anymore. Am able to have decent sex with my gf, no problem getting up and not such an issue staying up. I do have to jerk myself off a bit but much better than before. Feel a bit of libido 2 weeks back but it has decreased again.

Hoping that my body is stabilizing…hoping that shrinking of prostate is not a huge issue.