Can we convince a Merk rep to join this forum?

What do you guys think? If we push hard enough, I think we may be able to get them to take some responsibility and try and help us out.

What do you guys think. We would have to work together on this.

Also its vitally important that everyone here reports their side effects to Merk. Otherwise nothing will ever come of this.

Merck don’t give a fuck, look up what happened with Viox for God’s sake. It is the most unethical of the big pharma brands, and that really is saying something.

We need to go for the jugular and SUE. All the proof is there now, guys with massive hormonal imbalances, untreatable ED, proof from a governing body that it causes permanent ED, what are we waiting for?

Someone in the US could easily get 100+ names now. Josh Fulmore tried nearly a decade ago and got 60.

Yep…I agree…

Just so you know, 10,000+ died from Vioxx before they did anything…This is a ruthless pharma company.

This is a forum for Merck reps and other employees where you can post anonymously, you may have some luck finding a disgruntled employee who knows something i don’t know. Most likely you’d just get flamed to the shithouse. I’d also be very wary of people from this company who claim they want to “help” us.

The Vioxx case amazes me and really demonstrates how ignorant doctors are i think, claiming that fin doesn’t cause side effects cause the company doesn’t report it in it’s prescription information.

I guess it’s easier to just keep scratching each others back so they can go on vacation in the bahamas together every summer.

Imagine what the US government would do if a foriegn dictator went and killed 10,000 people. probably drop 1000 missiles on his front doorstep. But a big pharma company does it in your own backyard and they barely get a slap on the wrist. Merck has probably killed 10 times as many people as Osama Bin Laden. Fucking dogs.

Oh and they’re also getting sued for their diabetes medication Januvia which as it turns out causes a minor side effect of cancer.

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We won t know unless we try. Suggestion: Gene Carbona. This guy was a Merck Sales representative and it seems that he works now for “The Medical Letter”, a non profit organization.

He can be seen on this video (he is at 6:08) part 4 of “big Pharma, big bucks” documentary: … re=related