Can transgender treatments/ doctors possibly help us? or are they at least worth contacting?

As i was browsing for information on finasteride side effects i came across this transgender website, which outlines regimens.

"Advantages of Anti-Androgens

When anti-androgens are given, particularly finasteride (Proscar, Propecia) in combination with spironolactone (Aldactone), full feminization is obtained in two to three years for the great majority of individuals. And since we have had a chance to observe many individuals using a range of therapies, and over quite a few years, we have made a few observations along the way.

First, the more masculinized the individual is in the first place, the greater the likelihood of very noticeable feminizination occurring when anti-androgens are used. Scalp hair thickens, often to a great degree even in individuals with severe pattern baldness. Body hair has a greater potential to diminish to a female level. And the body progresses to a much more female shape.

We also see that individuals who do not show as many masculinized traits in the first place also benefit in subtle ways, especially as they age. It appears that individuals who do not take control of testosterone levels and take a incomplete or sporadic approach to their therapies may likely show more coarsening in features as they age."

  1. The paragraph highlighted in red stood out straight away because of so many users of the forum mentioning that before they took finasteride they were very musculine males, often with high sex drives. Maybe we were more susceptible to side effects?

  2. Is it worth us contacting transgender experts or doctors and showing them our case? i would imagine they would have a wealth of knowledge of the side effects of anti androgens. The dosages these transgender people are taking are very high; if any subset of people apart from us are likely to experience severe side effects it’s transgenders using anti androgens. So, surely the most popular doctors in this field are worth contacting?

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Go for it and let us know what they say. Be sure to reference this website.

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Can’t see at all how it would hurt. This is the sort of footwork we all need to do to get our problem on theadar of more docs/researchers. Don’t get discouraged if the 1st few blow you off. Not saying that will happen. Just if it does, move on to the next. Looking forward to seeing what sort of responses you get. Please keep us updated.

It’s interesting that they point out the more masculine someone is the more feminized they become after anti-androgren treatment. I was highly motivated, put on muscle very easy, dated girls 15-20 yrs younger regularly, I never got sick, I wouldn’t back down for any confrontation, was commonly thought to be 10 yrs younger than my real age, etc. And Fin just devestated me. The more alpha you were before this the more messed up you are now.

I agreed with it. I was also very muculine alpha male.No matter I how much I was tired always crazy for body building. I think our Androgen receptors were working at a very high level, always hungry for DHT. They got severe blow after 5RIs use and just got destroyed.
I thought to raise this point many times but did not have any refrence or website to backup my idea.

As far as trying to learn from transgenders, it would seem that we would more want to look at what girls trying to become guys are doing (unfortunately) than what guys looking to become girls are doing…

Shooting up on T?

I wasnt an alpha male, i used to just hang out.

I tried to search for and collate PFS people who are trans and their data. I wanted to gain a broader PFS awareness amongst different communities, increase PH members and perhaps get some insights.

As you might expect gaining support thus far has been a failure, although I think this is still worth trying to do.

I learned that not all trans females take anti-androgens apart from oestrogen, however a large proportion of them do take them at least at the start and they are used to bridge a gap between getting oestrogen prescription in teens. They typically take Spironolactone, Cyproterone, Finasteride or other similar drug.

Many of them get PFS side effects. One thing noticed when reading multiple accounts of transwomen who got PFS side effects was that they seemed to get rid of them by both stopping androgen blockers and increasing the oestrogen levels. What does this mean? F*** knows, but I read a theory on there that to feel mentally good humans need either testosterone or oestrogen levels to be high. Maybe PFS people feel mentally crap because androgen receptors are messed up, but taking female dosage of oestrogen would cure a lot of the side effects.

Presumably this would also induce a number of feminising traits and potentially a number of other problems?

Yes, it definitely would induce feminising traits. Blood clots and breast cancer are the two main risks that come to mind with regard to oestrogen.

It would be interesting to try oestrogen out just for a few days to observe what changes occur on a definite PFS case. No physical changes should occur within a few days, although who knows for certain with our luck.

I’m currently hoping for further improvements from long term low dose HCG, but will probably try oestrogen for few days if all else fails. If it did work I guess I’d be happier living life as a fully functional male in female body who like females :joy:

Maybe compete in olympics :rofl:

I’d f**ing tell the whole world how bad fin is after receiving my gold medal

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