Can soy proteins trigger the syndrome?
Absurd that natural things are so dangerous.

Personally I would take this with a pinch of salt
I can only imagine that you would have eat so much soy it would be coming out of your ears and on top what’s the likelihood of anyone doing that every day week in week out.
Theirs soy in so many products in the world that if it was really an issue we would all know a long time ago.

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My protein says “contains soy (lecithin) is this bad?

They look like mixed proteins of milk and soy…

If you want to be 100% safe, I would recommend switching to a plant based protein powder. I’ve recommended the Vega one a couple times and have had good success with it.


Egg Protein is the best


Definitely stay off the soy. I’ve been avoiding it for a while since finding out about it’s suppressive quality.

Wether its strong enough to trigger anything is one thing but for guys with our condition, you don’t need anything to be suppressed.


It’s probably neither here or their on the Big picture mate
But like pete1989 says steer clear if you want to play it 100% safe.

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careful with plant based protein too it’s often straight soy protein isolate which contains heavy amounts of soy isoflavones. Soy protein isolate personally fucks me up. There are potent phytoestrogens in soy protein isolate that strongly bind to the estrogen receptor.*

*from what I believe my issue is with the estrogen receptor not the androgen receptor

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As an estrogen receptor?

what? can you rephrase that

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Why you think it’s the estrogen receptor and not the androgen?

That’s a bloody good question you asked their
I’m intrigued to hear the answer its a new one to me .
I’m always trying to piece this jigsaw together information like this is definitely worth quizzing

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i have plenty of reasons but if i were to state them i’d do so in my member thread and not derail this thread

This is what I went with. Thanks @Pete1989 for looking out

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I got mild PFS from soy protein isolate 5 years ago (and got worse years later)


Just curious if it was years later how could you be so sure it was attributed to soy protein? Not challenging you, I’m just asking because the protein product I was previously consuming before the Vega powder contained Soy. As soon as I stopped using it I immediately felt a difference, and this is documented in a PM between @Greek and myself.

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Really? I read about a guy who had PFS from Zinc! What the fuck?

Too many blurry lines, difficult to say for sure if one thing or another caused someone to freefall into a crash. Zinc is vital for male health, promotes p53 production and a variety of other functions (look up p53 if you’re not familiar). Deficiency in Zinc can cause really unwanted side effects ranging from psychological/cognitive to immune to sexual. I wouldn’t go out of my way to purposely avoid zinc intake, not a good idea in my opinion.

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