None of my Propecia related side effects began until I experienced a 6 month bout of hypomania beginning may 2012-october 2012. Sometime In october however in a several day span lost the ability to sleep at all! This seemed to be the beginning of my propecia crash. I went from feeling great,capable and on top of the world to feeling like total shit and not wanting to live in about the span of two weeks. Now Keep in mind i’ve been on propecia for nearly 5 years previous to all of this so I’m just wondering if propecia has somehow induced some sort of hypomanic experience within me which led to suddenly having insomnia from propecia. Now I know Insomnia is a symptom of hypomania but during this hypomanic stage I was in for 6 months I was able to sleep… and my sleep actually felt deeper and I was much more energetic/refreshed when I woke up. Now when I do sleep it’s very fragmented and my sleep is extremely light and unrefreshing. I feel my body is now in some sort of fight/flight mood due to all my hormone levels being messed up from lack of decent sleep.
Are you still on the drug?
No. I stopped sometime In feb to see if the insomnia and poor sleep would subside. Nothing changed after I stopped. I then started back up in june for several weeks and nothing got better or worse. I’m currently not taking the drug. Another weird effect is that my shedding has completely stopped which is weird because when I was using propecia regularly I shed a lot of hair. Also my tolerance to alcohol is much lower. I can endlessly drink and never go passed a buzz point.
The same thing happend to me when I was on fin I put it down to stress at the time but its clear now fin was the cause of my sleep problems.
Yeah it seems to be quite a common occurrence around here. As the sleep problems continued for me is when the depression,lethargy,anxiety got out of control as a result of that. Btw Where you ever able to fix your sleep issues at all? Have any supplements helped at all?
Calcium, zinc, and magnesium have seemed to help at times over the years. As far as food banannas and cherry juice, and some of the herbal teas (chamomile) also seem to help. For me insomnia has been a real problem also, for the reasons you’ve already mentioned. It leads to a host of other problems, one of which you start taking a lot of stuff because of it and it becomes a vicious cycle unto its self. Most of the prescription sleeping pills leave me feeling worse than not sleeping.
Yeah I’m afraid to try anymore of the prescription stuff. Ambien and ZZZquil didn’t work for me at all and I don’t think trying anything stronger then that will lead to any long time positive results for me. Has your insomnia gotten much better over the years bad luck or is it more or less the same? Also I tried calcium/magnesium for a couple weeks but i didn’t notice much of a difference. Maybe I didn’t use it long enough.
My insomnia had generally gotten better. Have you tried zinc and calcium together? That seemed to improve my sleep quality. I’ve gotten up many nights at 3 am and either went to the gym or out to run. I got sick of lying in bed awake for hours before getting up to go sit at my desk at work. After some discussion with droit on the CFS theory thread I’ve been occasionally taking some methyl folate (400 mcg) with about .25 mg of B12 methyl cobalamin. It’s sort of hit or miss. On some occasions it has helped with sleep, on others when it didn’t help with sleep I felt more fatigued. Lately I try it when I don’t have to go to work the next day.